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I just watched this entire video. Very interesting look into the popular right movement as it was a few years ago. To the shock of hopefully no one, no one is perfect. We are all a mix of deep flaws and positive attributes. I think the separation between good people and bad people is good people try to recognize their flaws, openly acknowledge them and actively try to work on them.
Praise people for their goodness yes but never worship a person. They will always fail because we all fall at times. The only entity worthy of actual worship is God.
Always liked her, I subbed to her LONG ago. I knew she was a standout long ago. She not only takes personal risk, but she educates.
As a guy who has been single a VERY long time, it gives me hope when I see women like this, because this is the kind of woman I am looking for. It’s just hard to find a woman who isn’t a lunatic left winger anymore.
That video broke my heart. To see the people i admired do shit like that, alot of the people in the video are the reason i became who i am politically. Knowing i supported them, money, time and just blasting them out there to friends and family. It really really fucking sucks to see the proof. Guess its makes sense why you see less and less of those Right wing personality’s. What kills me is this comes on the heels of the Infowars team posting those Lord of the Rings videos on rumble. When you think people are coming together but the really are just backstabbing each other.
Hero is the most Overused word in the English Language, I am convinced of it. It is also a word used to belittle and berate anyone that speaks up and against someone that people labeled a Hero.
There is no such thing as a Hero except in the Comics. There is Heroic acts, most go unnoticed everyday. But a True hero is a Dream of myths and legends and Comics.
I have known as I am sure anyone reading this has people who are called “Hero” but then later the person does something bad, or their entire life was full of bad acts or self-centered acts, Yet in one act they are called Hero! Often we hear it referred toward our Vets or First Responders, it is their job it’s heroic its the job, I have been around them all my life and they will say the same thing I just did, yet people label them. Awe Yes there is that word again “Label” and that is all it is.
You never known a persons past nor their future, the one ACT and Label given from it could be the best thing that person ever does or did. I learned never to very young. I tell people this, Never Judge a person nor Label them and certainly never put them on a pedestal the fall you are setting yourself up for is devastating. Take the person as they are, when you learn about their past or what happens in the future is part of life. If they are your friend, remember this “All friends are entitled to mistakes, some you may find out in time have a past that had you known it would never become their friend, but you did so are you a friend that will stay loyal and true? Or are you the person who says I cannot be your friend anymore because of your past? The Hero to that Friend, might well be the people who knowing their past says I am still your friend.
I think everyone watching that video needs to realize all Lauren did was tell it from her perspective. She did not call anyone a name and made no accusations. But she was talking about her experiences that did both to her. That is VERY telling.
Realize too that of all the folks she talked about, she did not say they were bad and you should not listen to them. She did not even say they were not genuine, just that they were flawed. I think the folks she spoke about all believe in what they are doing and saying but they are just flawed like all of us. Well, all with the exception of Milo. I now think he is a total grifter and does not at all practice what he preaches.
That’s just my take on it.