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I am aware that there is already a topic dAlong with Christopher Nolan films but I felt it deserved a fresh start especially since I’m giving my opinion exclusively on Nolan’s Batman.
Get the disclaimer out of the way. This is my honest opinion not trolling. This has been my opinion from the start. I know I’ll get a lot of flack for this post but I still want to put my thoughts out there.
I don’t like Christopher Nolan’s trilogy and I don’t really understand the hype. I know that most of the fanfare revolves around the Joker, but to be honest I didn’t care for him either. I have other issues with the films before I even saw TDK.
Let’s start with the low hanging fruit. What they heck were they thinking when they decided on Batman’s voice. I recall a video that parodied Batman’s interrogation of the Joker and the Joker essentially says “Dude what’s your problem get a cough drop”
Next, the Batmobile looked like the love child of a Warthog from Halo and a Monster Truck. I liked the Tim Burton Batmobile, it was a little unusual but still cool.
Lastly, with all due respect to Health Ledger…. when the movie was in theaters, I heard practically every day about how amazing the Joker was and how scary he was… to me it sounded like he had horrendous congestion.
I know I’m not going to change anyone’s opinion, I may disagree with it but I respect it. Mainly I just wanted to rant a bit and put my voice out there.
When The Dark Knight came out, I didn’t think it would be possible to have a scarier Joker than Heath Ledger. The movie Joker changed my mind – that version of Joker was absolutely bone-chilling to me. Mainly because I can see it happening in real life very easily, whereas I can’t imagine Heath Ledger’s joker IRL. I wonder how an actual Batman movie would look if Todd Phillips directed it.
I wasn’t even aware that there was a Christopher Nolan Batman before TDK until a couple of years ago, and I only watched that movie once. I wasn’t very impressed with it although it probably wasn’t a bad movie. The third one didn’t blow my mind either, maybe because my expectations were too high after TDK, which I watched in IMAX in 2008. As much as I enjoyed it I remember picking out inconsistencies in that movie such as Joker’s stories he tells different people about the origins of his scars being different every time, which I don’t know whether to attribute to just him being crazy, or to unintentional writing inconsistencies.
I didn’t like any of the characters in the third one. I felt like Batman became pussified and weak, his butler wasn’t very loyal to him, Batwoman was unlikable and Bane was OTT ridiculous. The prison part of the movie felt like they were trying to recreate some Indiana Jones scenes with some exotic savages which felt out of place even though I like Indiana Jones movies. The movie felt to me like it tried too hard to be this epic movie that has everything, but it didn’t hit the right notes for me. TBH I’ve only watched it whole once, and half of it once after. If something is really good I can rewatch it many times like Titanic or Joker or the whole series of TNG but if my initial reaction to something is disappointment then I have a hard time getting myself to want to watch it again.
Considering all the live on-screen Jokers in Batman film’s there has been before Ledgers, were more “clown prince of crime” than the super-sane antagonist of the comicbooks.
Cesar Romero’s matched the comedy/parody of the Adam West Batman series.
Jack Nicholson had some great lines, and seeing how he “might have” gotten his appearance was interesting. His mood swings were a bit too much.
Heath Ledger’s showed joker’s motives are not on a level as any other antagonist. It is not about money. It is how far can I go!
Jared Leto showed that a great criminal needs the funds/means to do what “HE” wants to do.
Joaquin Phoenix, while not “IN” a Batman film, showed how a mind can crack.
In animated form:
Mark Hamill voice acting makes his the quintessence of what is considered the “comic book Joker”.
And IS the BEST version TO-DATE, IMO.
I never bothered with the third film but I’ve heard it was panned across the board. Considering how Nolan went for “realism” I agree that his Joker was not realistic.
Apart from a few episodes that are turkeys I can easily watch TNG again and again.
I’m very fond of the Adam West Batman so I appreciate the recognition For Cesar Romero.
I was when six when Batman was released in theaters so my initial impression of Jack Nicholson was negative but Tim Burton didn’t have small children in mind.
Jared Leto looked like a washed up rock star strung out on meth so I didn’t bother with him.
I have yet to see Joaquin Phoenix but I’ll probably watch it eventually.
Mark Hamill, is…. Mark Hamill so now surprise that he’s the gold standard.
I was dreading venomous replies to this post, I appreciate the discourse.
“Holy Moley, Bat-Fan!”
Stay turned for more discourse, same Bat-Topic, same Bat-Forum.
< BWAH HA Ha ha >