[OBIT] Queen Elizabeth, dead at 96

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub Current Events [OBIT] Queen Elizabeth, dead at 96

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    If conquering/colonizing is blood on the hands then EVERY society ever has blood on its hands.

    This statement is false. But monarchy should not be a part of western civilization. Queen Elizabeth was not in any way innocent so she won’t get much sympathy from me.



    Much props to the Prince and Princess of Wales for allowing Harry and Meghan to accompany them on their walkabout at the castle.

    It also appears the troublemakers will be allowed to attend the funeral as a mark of respect for the Queen.

    I hope the King does not live to regret that decision.


    I heard reports that King Charles ordered his kids to behave/get together/reconcile.

    And yet, when we see the images of their walk-around, Prince Harry is being dragged around (like meghan won’t allow him to do anything on his own – her personal slave).

    I forgot if it was from Sky News Australia that commented on it.

    And they DO need to reconcile with the entire royal household.  I have been hearing more from the local lunatics calling for the end of the constitutional Monarchy, and removing the King of England as the head of state from various commonwealth nations, and to become a full Republic Nation.


    This historical moment gave the world just another chance to witness how vile, evil, sick and brainless the modern radical left is. Just like they compare the 9-11 to the “riot” on the building full of rich politicians (while ignoring the real riots and murders that happened during the “summer of love”), they went running to twitter to show their disgusting behavior, disrespect and insult the Queen, on the day of her death.

    It’s fine if you don’t have feelings about it, it’s fine if you just ignore it… but go out of your way to just act like a nihilist… “omg look how cool I look talking shit about her in this day hehe omg i’m so edgy, i’m such a rebel right?”, no, you just retarded, you lack education, family values, you don’t have parents to tell you to act like a grown-up.

    Anyone who has read a book knows she was not a bad person, on the contrary. She fought to liberate various nations, and she was a strong female leader, I thought you losers enjoyed that… I guess not… it doesn’t fit the narrative.

    Modern radical leftists are mentally ill and don’t have role models… they just want to destroy everything (and abuse children, ofc).


    I recently tried opening a topic surrounding a game developer called Siristhedragon and how he blocked me for criticising a comment he made on the Queen.


    The topic is currenting being reviewed by the moderators, but here is the comment I made.

    And sadly, here is the response I got.

    Screenshot from 2022-09-12 19-13-38



    Why are people being arrested for protesting the accession of Charles III?

    The end of one royal reign has provided the opportunity to discuss the institution’s future, but you wouldn’t know with the wall-to-wall coverage of the pomp and circumstance of tradition. Public opposition to the monarchy has remained small though the first inklings of discontent have appeared as the queen makes her final journey to London.

    Those that HATE tradition, during this time of mourning, can’t wait to show their views.

    The police have been excersising new powers granted to them by the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act. Police can arrest single-person protests if the officer deems the protest to be a disruption, with very broad conditions.  Essentially anyone conducting a protest is at risk of arrest.

    Like what?

    In one case, a member of the public holding a blank piece of paper was threatened with arrest.

    “Officer came and asked for my details.” tweeted barrister Paul Powlesland, “He confirmed that if I wrote ‘Not My King’ on it, he would arrest me under the Public Order Act because someone might be offended.”

    If that was the case, ALL protests, all moments of free speech, some snow flake will be offended.

    Spokesperson Graham Smith added, “We are deeply concerned to see people being arrested for peaceful protest. The police, media and politicians all need to understand that the accession is a contentious event and people have the right to speak up and be heard.”

    Regardless of how insensitive those protesters are during this official period of national mourning?

    There is a time and place for it, but I think during this mourning period is offensive to the majority of people.


    If those law was applied in the US, close to half the US citizens would have been arrested for their “Not by President”, Antifa, the mostly peaceful destruction summer, any political rally, leftist media (offending the right), right media (offended by the left), comedians, famous people pushing an agenda, etc.

    Everyone would have to be arrested for offending even one person, and HATE crimes would be given to everyone.

    Welcome to the 21st century!


      Where I disagree with people being dicks in a time of morning, I disagree more with a freedom of speech being removed. But this is NOT a country with Freedom of speech. You can and people have been arrested for speech. I am glad I live in America for that reason.

      I also get the peoples feeling on Monarchy and the Royal family. And all this Morning period stuff is fine for the Family but not the Nation, I could understand a couple days, but the living need to get on with the business of living and dragging it out is just for show. And that is a big part of why people are frustrated.


      Those that HATE tradition, during this time of mourning, can’t wait to show their views.

      depends on what tradition. Monarchy shouldn’t exist today, they are just leeching tax payer money while they don’t need to pay taxes for example for inheritance tax. When citizens ask if it’s fair that they pay millions in tax for the parades, Charles just had a look of disgust and said ugh and walked away.

      I though y’all were against elites leeching off hard working people’s money? Also americans literally had a war to not be a part of the monarchy, one of the best things the founding fathers did was flipping the bird to a brain dead ancient system of choosing the leader ”because god said so” and passing on wealth to people who just happen to be born in the right family. And now some self claimed patriots are suddenly dick riding the monarchy. It probably will not cease to exist in a long time but monarchs shouldn’t be a part of modern western society.


      What a beautiful and dignified ceremony.

      As the Queen’s Piper’s final song tapered off into the distance one cannot help but feel it’s the end of an era and a move into a somewhat uncertain future not only for the UK but the world at large.

      RIP Your Majesty. God save the King.





      I saw some of the funeral on TV yesterday. It looked amazing. Loved the candle in front of Megan’s face🤣! Prince George and Princess Charlotte handled the whole thing beautifully too.


      And the left is complaining their message was not getting thru because of the coverage of the late Queen’s funeral.

      Vitriol over Queen Elizabeth II shows many left-wingers just hate white people

      …were the utterly despicable comments by two American professors about Queen Elizabeth II’s death.

      What did they say?

      The professors, both black, took to social media to disparage Queen Elizabeth II.

      …an associate professor at Carnegie Mellon University, displayed her bigotry by wishing the queen suffered an excruciatingly painful death..

      …teaches photography at the Rhode Island School of Design. Samudzi tweeted that she would “dance on the graves of every member of the royal family.”

      Truly sick.

      Neither professor suffered any consequences — a privilege that most likely would not have been afforded if the professors were white and the deceased monarch black.

      Double standards for HATE SPEECH for sure.

      Their sentiments on the queen were shared by many on the Left. Others commented that the queen was an example of white supremacy, white privilege, or whatever concocted ism, phobia, or other social justice, victimization suffix you’d like to pick out of the dictionary. Such people have such a warped sense of reality that they will readily demonize anyone of European heritage who was connected to colonialism or imperialism yet always ignore the hundreds, if not thousands, of years of identical acts committed by people of African, Middle Eastern, Native American, and Asian heritage in building empires, oppressing other races, and colonizing faraway places.

      Facts and history mean nothing to those lunatics.

      Given the indoctrination resulting from this revisionist history, it’s time to acknowledge such people suffer from the same bigotry they claim to be against. Many of them just hate white people, and they do so for no other reason than historical events that today’s white people had nothing to do with. Once the masses realize this, it will hopefully discredit much of the Left’s agendas and platforms.

      But that is not ALL!

      BBC Responds To Complaints From Viewers Who Felt Coverage Of Queen’s Death Showed ‘Bias’

      The BBC has issued a response to complaints from viewers who felt that its coverage of Queen Elizabeth II’s death was “biased”.

      Like what?

      It has since been revealed that the corporation received a number of complaints about the tone of its coverage of both Queen Elizabeth II’s death and King Charles III’s accession had leaned too much in favour of the monarchy.

      Too much?  It HAS been the biggest story, the late Queen’s death/funeral.  What did this biased people want?

      (BBC) said it had “received complaints from people who felt our coverage… has been biased in favour of the monarchy, and should have featured more republican viewpoints”.

      What garbage!

      The news was NEVER about the creation of a republic.  It was ALWAYS about the late Queen’s death/funeral.

      Trying to force your “political views”, especially at this time of mourning, shows the great disrespect those loser are.

      There is a time and place for talk about removing of a constitutional monarchy, but NOT during a funeral on national TV.

      Like the saying goes, the left cannot waste a tragedy to advance their agenda.


        “This statement is false. But monarchy should not be a part of western civilization. Queen Elizabeth was not in any way innocent so she won’t get much sympathy from me.”

        It is not in the least false.  Some were more successful than others and some were closer to our timeline than others but conquering and colonizing is essentially the history of the world.  There have been countless empires of varying sizes through time.  I am not saying it is right to bash your neighbor’s skull in so you can have his land but that history is there.

        We speak of the British and Roman empires because they are near the current time line and they were very successful but I don’t see anyone talking about the Ottoman empire or the Mongol Empire.  Heck, even in the microcosm of just the Native Americans, they would kick each other’s butts, enslave each other and do horrific things to one another.

        The history of man is violent and bloody and often immoral.  But we learn, evolve and progress even through those processes.



        I can’t understand how many news anchors in the US can be so ignorant of UK history (I mean no offence by this😅!) ! We were the first to abolish the slave trade…which by the way was around looooooooooong before Queen Elizabeth sat on the throne!



          Like people, most things are neither 100% good or 100% bad.  They are a mix of both or some ratio thereof.  This is why we should celebrate the good of whatever it might be and not forget the bad just not celebrate it so we don’t repeat it.

          I don’t find any good in trying to judge the past through the lens of the present. It’s a fruitless thing I personally believe is just used to cause division.


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