[OBIT] ZZ Top’s Dusty Hill Dead at age Of 72

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Music [OBIT] ZZ Top’s Dusty Hill Dead at age Of 72

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    ZZ Top’s Dusty Hill Dead at the Age Of 72

    “We are saddened by the news today that our Compadre, Dusty Hill, has passed away in his sleep at home in Houston, TX,” the surviving ZZ Top members write. “We, along with legions of ZZ Top fans around the world, will miss your steadfast presence, your good nature and enduring commitment to providing that monumental bottom to the ‘Top’. We will forever be connected to that “Blues Shuffle in C. You will be missed greatly, amigo.”

    . 😥

    After sharing the sad news about legendary bassist Dusty Hill, ZZ Top decided to cancel all their upcoming shows. This June, ZZ Top announced a 75 date massive tour, kicking off this month. Dusty Hill wasn’t on stage for the first event due to a hip injury. This was supposed to be a “short detour” as they’ve said. Currently, there isn’t any information if ZZ Top will continue their mega tour with a stand-in bassist or if they’ll cancel the tour entirely. We will be sharing any updates about it.



      One of the things I find most sad is we are losing these legends in music and as far as I can tell there are few to no replacements.  I attribute it to a music industry that rewards conformity and mediocrity over discovery and invention.


      • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Vknid.

      Original music is DEAD.

      The music industry has this “formula” that most new “artists” have to fit into.

      Personally, I think it has been a decade or more since I purchased a CD from a “new artist”.

      So yes.  We are seeing the end of creative music artists as they are dying out/retired.


        The creatives are still out there.  They just have to operate as independents.  To make it big they have to conform to the industry look and sound AND of course “the message”.

        I follow a number of them and they are making great music.  Here are a couple of my recent favorites.




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