Old Movies that are cool

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      A few older movies I have seen recently that are far better than most stuff today.

      I seek out old Sci-fi because I love it.  I also look for movies that have multiple prominent actors from today that are now older folks but back then they were doing some of their first movies.

      Here is a brief list of some recents I watched:

      – Quick Change -1990

      Bill Murray,Geena Davis,Randy Quaid

      Hilarious! 3.5/5

      – Carbon Copy – 1981

      Denzel Washington,George Segal,Susan Saint James,Jack Warden

      3/5 , very interesting early role for Denzel as this is a comedy

      -Moving – 1988

      Richard Pryor,Beverly Todd,Stacey Dash

      Great movie that is hilarious.  It is VERY 80’s and I will

      watch it again.  4.5/5

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