One Piece is the BEST show on Netflix, here’s WHY

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube One Piece is the BEST show on Netflix, here’s WHY

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    One Piece is the BEST show on Netflix, here’s WHY .
    An Old Swordsman Reacts lol.
    Are you looking for a show to watch that will Absolutely put a big toothy Smile on your face? Do you have teens & kids in the house that watch Garbage all day & you want them to watch something GOOD? Then ONE PIECE is the show to watch.
    I honestly did not want to watch this originally since I think that everything Netflix touches turns to Crap, but after a content creator I follow sang his praises for it,  Yellow Flash,   I knew I had to check it out he also said @ddaycobra liked the entire show, all 8 episodes, so that says a lot.
    My goodness, from episode 1, I was hooked. PLEASE do not look at the cast & say “OMG, another Diversity Show!” I get it, I understand, but there is nothing woke about the show. The cast is diverse racially & gender wise but nobody is first & foremost anything…except maybe Luffy, he’s 1st & foremost a Pirate…but he’s a Different Kind Of Pirate! The cast is 100% perfect & so is the acting. Everybody has a quality you will like, including the villains. They all have a code they live & die by. But what I was most shocked by was that the show actually has messages that are very obvious about Morals & Values.
    Luffy, I cannot say enough about the kid. We see his character grow & how he became the Pirate he is today. Also, the actor that plays Monkey D Luffy, Iñaki Godoy, he is the best fit for the character. His level of Charisma is something seldom seen today. He is as electrifying as The Rock. The cinematography is up there, it’s like watching a Movie, that’s how good the production value is.
    I strongly believe that if it was not for the creator of the Manga, Eiichiro Oda, we would have had another CowboyBebop on our hands. Thanks to the success of OnePiece, they are now in discussions of proceeding this way with other Manga/anime shows/movies, meaning, the creators will have the final word. Let me know what you guys think & help me find the Diamond Play Button so I can achieve my dream of becoming The King Of The Youtubers! lol


    Your video production on your channel is getting better. This was a good one.

    I kind of avoided this. Heard good things about One Piece from some kids and then, on a Bookworm tube channel, a girl really liked reading it. I still haven’t got into it, but after this video above, I started watching it and yes, it is good. Young people in fantasy cosplay combat action. How fantasy should be really.

    It is shot so well that it made me think of other things that were botched like Avatar: Airbender. Also, for no apparent reason, this Netflix One Piece show made me thing of The Dark Is Rising series by Susan Cooper, which is one that I never really go into, but I was impressed with what this One Piece show was able to do in bringing a comic to life.

    Last thing, but One Piece kind of, in a small way, reminds me of an old cartoon called The Pirates of Dark Water.


    Thanks bro. It got more views on day 1 than I expected it to. It is a surprisingly good show.
    I was worried at first that I wouldn’t like it but I’m glad I gave it a shot. It’s a very refreshing show. The Pirates of Dark Water, it tells me something but I can’t remember  any episodes off the bat.


    I’m tempted to watch it but I’ve just been binging a fantasy-drama show from China on Netflix for the past week so I need to take a break from binging a tv series to watch some of my own stuff for a while😂.


      The Pirates of Dark Water was awesome.  I remember watching it when I was young.  They only made a few seasons but the story was great and wonderful.  In fact I might try to track that down today and watch it.


      Love to see you getting more views man.  I see your merch store is out with your art which is silly good.  I am going to snag a shirt, just trying to decide on the art to use on it.  Also, just an idea.  What if you did videos on old forgotten gems such as The Pirates of Dark Water?

      Here it is for anyone that is looking for it.

      Here are some links/info about The Pirates of Dark Water.

      The SNES Game.

      There are 3 seasons in total.  I found them on Amazon.  Looks like there are 4 places selling it.  AppleTV, Vudu, Amazon and YouTube. That’s kinda weird for an old toon that got axed early.  This to me shows that it is popular.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Vknid.
      • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Vknid.
      • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Vknid.
      • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Vknid.

      Hey guys, I don’t know about the policy for this so instead of creating a separate post I decided to add it here.
      I have a friend that has been diagnosed with Neuroendocrine Lung Cancer. He is American so you guys know how terrible things are, medically. He’s unable to work due to all the side effects of the disease & has fallen on hard times.
      He started a fund raiser looking to raise 857$ if anybody wishes to help Scott out you can donate to his fundraiser on Team Pulte website.
      The link is in the pinned comment on my video, I have  disabled monetization so there shouldn’t be any adds running (I think that’s how it works)
      He’s a great guy that has gone through some dark times but overcame the odds. It’s crazy how in 2023 we still have this terrible disease that seems to affect every other person. I mean I have lost so many family members including my father to Pancreatic Cancer (it was terrible) friends, coworkers & acquaintances. Even the survivors often times live a compromised life.
      Oh, btw, I tried to start a fundraiser video on Youtube, but that requires having 10k subscribers. Too bad.
      Prayers & positive energy are also welcome.
      Here is the link to my video & again the fundraiser link is in the pinned comment.
      (If I am allowed  creating this as a individual topic, since it links to a fundraiser, let me know)



        Hey man, I am personally not aware of any rules that says you cannot create a post for your friend. Your video and detailed explanation is very different than someone just dropping a link saying click here to send me money.

        I will be sure to include your friend in my prayers.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Vknid.

        Ok, thanks Vknid. Good to know. Also thank you for the Prayers. He is actually becoming closer to God comparing to when we first met. I am very proud of how he turned out. I came from a similar background as him.


          That is great to hear man.  All life is valuable and has meaning so long as you choose to be meaningful.   I have seen families and friends lovingly rally around young children whom are gravely ill.  Many will question the meaning of such a thing.  But people will come together and pray and work together to help. They will do what they can to help.  They will sing songs, they will pray, they will raise money and ask God for help.  And yet again some will ask why.  And why is all the things I just mentioned.

          PS – If you are concerned about making a post for your friend I am happy to post it for you.  Just let me know.

          • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Vknid.

          @vknid “PS – If you are concerned about making a post for your friend I am happy to post it for you.  Just let me know.”
          Sure, I would greatly appreciate that. It might go better through you.
          You know it sucks, even though I am not responsible for raising money for him, I feel bad that it is not progressing any. If I didn’t make a video for it I wouldn’t feel the same level of guilt. I feel like I let him down. I know it is not the case but I feel a ways about it. He’s posted the fund raiser on his social media & others have as well, so I understand that, but if it was successful through me I would have felt proud, you know.
          You know, it is a bit strange, the moment somebody needs help, personally, people act like they don’t see anything lol. But say it happened to an animal & they will all run to help lol. I had a friend that raise 4k$ for his dog’s cancer treatment but then I’ve seen people making the same requests for themselves & it’s radio silence.
          I did a live stream playing a game that usually gets me 10-20 viewers on twitch, I titled  the Live Stream “Fundraising Live Stream for a friend with Cancer” 2 people clicked to watch & I felt so bad.
          People are strange today.
          Thanks for the help bro.


            “People are strange today.”

            Yes, yes they are.

            Don’t despair man, you are doing what you can.  You are not responsible for the actions or inactions of others. We can only do what we can do.


            Just watched the first episode of the live action one and so far I’m enjoying it! I admit I was almost yelling “Can we have a cross-over with ‘Black Sails’ please?!” halfway through but I don’t think Mr Oda would’ve liked Michael Bay’s directing style🤣!


            Chris Gore was just saying that he liked One Piece as he was reviewing Ahsoka.


            Someone mentioned that they managed to do Luffy better than like a Ms. Marvel or Mr. Fantastic. True. All about the sequences and execution.
            Also, the swords seem to be more interesting than the light saber duels.


            Just has more youthful energy. More fun, more joy, and especially, more adventure. Whether you are a fan of DC or Marvel, WOT or SW, this has got to be humbling. They just did a better job. It’s diverse without being woke.

            from the comments: Mackenyu Arata, who plays Zoro, is the son of the late Hollywood star Shinichi Chiba. And when you realize that Shinichi Chiba is such a great actor that no other actor can beat him if you give him a sword, you realize that this casting was really well thought out. His bloodline is thoroughbred. Zoro is just a milestone. There is no doubt that he will be active as a Hollywood star representing Japan in the future. And as the story of One Piece progresses, Makenyu will grow together with Zoro.

            I still have yet to really, really get into it, but you see why it stands above the competition right now.

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