Our Political Madness

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    In the US, we have an election process that is completely corrupt. I’m not even talking about 2000 mules, because while that may be the most extreme example of the corruption, it’s hardly the first.

    Our elections are little more than popularity contests. We, the voters, know the contestants, the people seeking election, are lying to us, are only saying what we want to hear, are in it mostly for the power and the money, the money and the power. We know they are making promises to us that they won’t keep. We know that election campaigns are filled with lies, distortions, half-truths, mud-slinging. We know politicians try to say nothing while using a lot of words. We know politicians are people who are constantly trying to keep their popularity, because that’s what their livelihoods are based on.

    And, somehow, we think that this corrupt process will result in the country having governmental leaders with virtue, integrity, morality, and strong character.


    The reason why I don’t want to become a politician is because I would have to become a liar. Both sides are liars, so I would become one no matter which side I was running for.


    There is a reason people have called for term limits, not just for POTUS, but for congress and the senate as well.

    Government was never meant to have “career politicians”.

    Government needs new faces, new ideas, etc. but having people who have been there for decades don’t have that.

    They have been away from people, from business, etc to best serve those whom elected them.

    What one calls lobbying is called BRIBERY in most nations.

    Government has become TOO BIG, has TOO much power.


    People point to how bipolar the US has been, and have called to a multi-party system, and then we see nations that have two-dozen plus political parties and the time to make a coalition government, run-off elections, and how easily they can fall, makes them very unstable (even those the bureaucracy continues to chug along).

    There is no easy answer, no easy fix.


    Politicians are also selfish. Generally they look out for themselves, their families and friends – community and country are ALWAYS afterthoughts.


      I think the big picture here goes beyond corrupt politicians at this point. When you try to help someone who is sick you do not just treat the symptoms you attempt to root out the disease. There is no sense in focusing on the puppets when the puppet masters are pulling the strings.

      It’s not so much the system/politicians are corrupt it is that they have been subverted and coopted.

      For example.  Many folks are calling to impeach Biden.  In my mind there is zero reason to do that because it changes nothing. Biden is not deciding anything nor is Kamala.  They are simply figureheads.  I suspect Obama was as well although I think he did agree with what was being done so he participated. And this is not a Democrat only thing.  I certain Bush Jr. was also just a figurehead.

      Presidents have groups who pull their strings and that group probably gets orders from big corps and what I refer to as the puppet masters which are the WEF types.

      This paradigm has been going on for decades and getting more entrenched as time goes on.

      THIS is why you see such an amazing push back on Trump.  Trump ,while aware of this, appears not to participate in this and essentially threatens the establishment.  They do not want the money/power train to stop so they attack him.  The puppet masters do not want to lose control of America so they also attack.

      At the end of the day though.  It’s not Trump himself they fear so much.  It is what Trump opens the door to if he has even a moderate amount of success.  In other words, if Trump were to get back in and openly expose the machine and even slightly harm it and things got even slightly better for the average American than the gig is up on the establishment and they just lost power for decades.  That is what they are so afraid of.

      The good news is this.  They fear it so much because it can happen, otherwise they would not care about Trump at all. All is not lost in the least.

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