Painted Miniatures

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  • #181101


    Just wanted to share my completed Tiamat. I respect anyone who has taken the time to paint this. Feel free to let me know what you think and post pictures of your own painted miniatures.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by EliteCasual.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by EliteCasual.

    tiamat mini 2 (2)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by EliteCasual.

    Painted her 2 years ago.

    Yours is good too.
    Takhisis 03


    Currently playing in a western game. These are some of the figures Ive done for that.

    western all 12- 17

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by MrDragonbane.

    As well as my numerous GW 40k figures and vehicles I have a number from other manufacturers as well. Such as this charming fellow:

    Great Cthulhu

    This is a plastic model that came as a kit. Annoyingly when it first arrived it had two of one wing and was missing the other. It then took about two months for a replacement to arrive from the US.


      184911849418497My blue dragon from my D & D days.


      I also have dragons, including this one from Heresy Minatures. That’s a 12″ ruler at the the bottom for scale.

      Heresy Dragon


        Wow!  Beautiful detail.


        Thanks. I keep meaning to go back and see what I can do about the tree stump. It just looks too shiny to me. I’m thinking about a black wash to try and tone it down.


          Amazing paint job!!


            Amazing paint job!!  I love the yellow teeth.


              That is crazy good.   How long did that take to paint?


              Hey Kim . Thank you . it’s hard to gauge.  months since I started , but covid unemployment gave me lots of extra time to finish . if I were to take a guesstimate, maybe 80-100 hours across 6 months…. I’m incredibly slow at painting though and took frequent back and shoulder weed breaks … :-)


              Thing Ive tried for old wood was a light grey drybrush with a earthwash over that.

              This one I think was fleshtone not the grey… Cant find the figure I was thinking of.

              ogre clubber 04

              • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by MrDragonbane.

              Top notch man. Would love to get into miniatures, but that requires space and resources, which are lacking at the moment. Seen a lot of YT vids on how to paint miniatures. Some of these guys come up with some amazing paint jobs.

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