Pakistan bans film about trans love affair, putting its Oscar status in doubt

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    Pakistan bans Joyland, film about trans love affair, putting its Oscar status in doubt

    The government of Pakistan has overruled its own censor board and reversed a decision that allowed the film Joyland to be seen in the country’s theatres, a move that could doom its Oscar chances.

    Why would they do that?

    Last week, Pakistan’s Ministry of Information and Broadcasting released a statement saying it had received complaints that the film “contains highly objectionable material which do not conform with the social values and moral standards of our society.”

    So, the film is offensive, and goes against social values and moral standards.

    Sarwat Gilani, one of the actors in the film shared a tweet saying it was “shameful that a Pakistani film made by 200 Pakistanis over 6 years that got standing ovations from Toronto to Cairo to Cannes is being hindered in its own country.”

    Then why make such an offensive film in the first place?  No wonder those associated with this film are so upset.  They want to offend.

    As for standing ovations, who cares what woke/sjw/paid critics have to say.  It has been proven how out of touch they are.

    The conditions of Oscar eligibility state the film must be shown in its home country for at least a week before Nov. 30.

    So, this offensive film WONT be eligible to be officially entered into an award show that the regular populations of the world don’t care a darn about.



      It’s an interesting situation.

      But what I find really hypocritical by some, is often times folks are content to say “it’s their culture and they do things differently” but when it is something they disagree with personally then it is ok to dictate right and wrong to another society.

      But it seems to me this is an “internal matter” in Pakistan.  So it should just left to be that in my opinion.



      “it’s their culture and they do things differently” but when it is something they disagree with personally then it is ok to dictate right and wrong to another society.

      That is because the woke/sjw’s won’t accept anything outside of THEIR views, their anti-culture.

      So long as you accept them, then that is OK.

      But once you reject them for “not conform with the social values and moral standards of our society”, then they cry it is the values and moral of society that must change, and not the offensive material that needs to change.



      Funnily enough, didn’t Twitter do just that last year when ‘The Eternals’ was banned from China and Middle Eastern countries because of the content in that film? I seem to remember them throwing a fit about it at the time🤣

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