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Very underrated console
As a fan of Road Rash 1 and 2 on the Sega Genesis, seeing Road Rash on the 3DO was amazing.
Ohhhh, Road Rash! How could I forget about that one!
I only ever played a 3DO in a Software Etc. No one I knew ever convinced their parents to shell out the cash to buy this back in the day. Since it didn’t have RPGs (that I can recall) in its library, I never petitioned my own being perfectly happy with my SNES and Genesis. It’s price tag back then just turned so many people off.
That and the TG16. I did know a kid who had a TG16 mobile. I remember playing Bonk on it.
I do remember this console but I went for the PlayStation.
I remember this system but never own or played it. I dunno about other areas of the USA, but over in NJ/NY metro area, there wasn’t that much advertisement for it as far i recall. Atari jaguar was another with it’s attempt on more 3D graphic gaming console. The market was mostly dominated by Sega and Nintendo with Genesis and SNES. There were many attempts for more 3D gaming hitting consoles but I don’t think it really took off until Playstation hit off.
Did you pay the one low price of 700 bucks when it first came out? :P
Gex and maybe that it
I used to have one!!! Can’t remember any of the games to save my life, but I do remember having fun playing on the system.
Edit: Googled 3DO games. Theme Park was one. Actually had a lot of fun with that, even when it frustrated the t-total hell out of me.
You could chain the controllers together to get 8 players going for FIFA Soccer. Now that was a party game.