Parler vs. Twitter

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    Twitter censors people who don’t buy into the radical left hysterias.

    Score : -999999 points for Twitter.

    But honestly I never used it. It’s mostly an echo chamber, a place to look for the next thing that is offense, lame dramas, so on and so forth.

    Besides for attention seekers or companies trying to communicate with their customers, I see no good reason to use it.



      I follow “Geeks + Gamers”, “Nibel”, “Shift Codes” (for Borderlands Gold Chest Keys), etc.

      The timely info provided by the accounts I follow isn’t found elsewhere as quickly or conveniently.


      P.S.  I’m a conservative-leaning Libertarian (a la Justin Amash), not banned or censored by Twitter yet.


      I have the same issue on PArler, i am experiencing some issues and i have contacted customer service and nothing.


      I Dont like this having to give my drivers license front and back in order to become verified? I have no problem with my phone number, but my DL? Frak that!


      This “Tip” thing seems more like a pay to win in gaming? It is like really? I am thinking about building a social network, something along the lines of facebook, but far better features, freedom of speech will be upheld with a few exceptions which most ppl will agree with. But far more modern in terms of providing another space for ppl to go.


      Then dont do it. The site doesnt require it to work.


      True, but i still wouldnt give it to them just to become verified.


      Nevermind,   It worked.





      Twitter has a bad habit of banning/shadow banning people. It’s a narcissistic platform.


      First Big Thanks to Jeremy for this experiment. Its looking good so far, a few improvements here and there perhaps. Such as where the hell am I? All these posts seem to be out of order. But we will let that marinade for the time being.

      Firstly until all the “controversial” people on twitter are banned, Parler will not be utilized to the extent it can. It is all dependent on POTUS. He will make the call and he will let us know.

      I was on twitter today, and made some posts. But you know the ban hammer is hanging there. I was very very careful with what I said. The usual TDS/TAD people are there like vultures waiting to cancel you. In all fairness to Jeremy, I was getting lost over there too. All their icons have no pop-ups to tell you what it is, so you have to click.

      Nobody likes to be in a conversation, where the other person is a puritanical, tyrannical. Whether its a cop or a BLM or SJW. Usually I dont sign in to Twitter, and just kind of lurk, but with all the madness going on. I had to throw my hat in the ring. But I kept on telling myself, “Fly under the radar” Dont get too spicy.

      When I say controversial I mean like Cernovich, who I think was banned on Twitter, but he made another account. (I could be wrong.) Molyneaux was just banned. I think Cernovich was talking about him. Cern, posted a video of a brawl near junction blvd, where everone is screaming for the cops. It was kind of hilarous. Finally a fire truck rolls, and the people are screaming to the fireman, ARREST HER. Talk about Clown World. I tried to DM Tim pool, to ask him something but he is blocking all DM. He must get shit all day and night from the crazies. But I did try to get a hashtag trending over there. (Although I dont really know how.) I relatively new to twitter. I digress here, but many years ago, my father was watching the PGA tournament, and he asked me “do you know what tweeting is?” And I was like “NO” He said, “Somebody Just Tweete at Tiger Wolf” I was like “OK’

      So until Michael Strahan says, Colin Craperdick just parled “FUCK THE POLICE, check out my pig socks, oh btw did you know Lucifer is my favorite character in a Disney movie” then Parler is metaphorically on the back burner. Right now POTUS can still choose to come to G&G over Parler as far as I am concerned. Isn’t there a meme of him out there as Captain America? (Lucifer was the cat in Cinderella btw)

      I did try to take a peek at Parler, but they had a hard wall, and I like to take a peek before I leap.

      Is Alex Jones on Parler? Is he really Mossad? Its hard for me to believe. I go to bitchute to watch him. He is fucking hilarious. Speaking of conspiracy theories? Bill Hicks? I dont know. When he did the video with two Ar-15 crossed a while back, I was like oh shit, things are about to get real. And they did. It would be nice to know the list of people who have crossed over to Parler. Dan Scavino is obviously there. And the other Dan. I dont know what to say. I am not ready to run to Parler. Twitter still has some life. The had a big Change in Terms announcement today, so I dont know what that means going forward.

      So I had to force myself to close the browser to stay away from twitter, because it is a cesspool of idiocy and derangement. I mean the Marxist Media is like the scarefrow from the first Christian Bale Movie. They have poisoned the minds of Gotham, and the citizens they are all in a mass panic, brainwashed MK Ultra WW2 Kamikaze fighter style. Everytime somebody was gaslighting on Twitter I had fight myself to not reply.

      Which is probably better as it made me think more and get past the emotion. I did reply to some fairly high level players, but stayed away from the Tucker thing. Thats a ban hammer coming for the uninitiated. I was like fuck it. Tucker is all in. This aint going away. Just close that fucking brower please. So here I am. I do watch Dan daily. He is part owner. As the PizzaGate stuff comes out. More and more people on Twitter will be banned as they try to sweep the sin under the rug. PJW said he had a JE video coming out. And he was getting spicy with somebody. I was thinking to myself, when does the Marxist/Nazi hate speech morality policing going to come into play and drop the ban hammer on him. I watch him also on BitChute. So If he goes to Parler, I will go. I like him. But again POTUS makes the move and he will let us know. Thats just my 2 cents. It will be coordinated to a degree, but Twitter can be great again, if these TDS people stop drinking the expired kool-aid.

      Thanks Jeremy, I have been banned before, its sucks. I made a new account, but that hesitation is a killer. Its like FUCK YOU, who do you think you are?? You dont even do anything about the Robert Mueller Trolls turning your website into a piece of shit. Did I mention, FUCK NAUGHTY DOG??


      Are you suggesting that you have to “wait” per se, before you can speak publicly about a subject?  Like for instance you want to talk about 5G and say it could be dangerous if not regulated, but you have to wait until there is a story about kids in a school getting cancer?  Like shut up until, kind of deal?  I mean why is it ok to burn the american flag.  But its hate speech to burn a rainbow flag?  And i cant say its stupid until a story appears in the paper about a rash of LGBT flag burnings? Thats what it appears you are saying.


      This has to be the most arbitrary and ridiculous way of comparing the 2 services. Is Parler flawless? Of course not but who gives a shit about your lag when typing (werks on my machine btw) when you get banned for stating scientific facts such as men can’t be women on Twitter. By all means, stay on Twitter. It sounds like you deserve each other

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by jn2002dk.



      This is a load of crap. Twitter routinely required my phone number. This is literally nothing more than a personal bitch list.


      You asked to have your account deleted, but now you’re complaining that you can’t access your account? This has got to be the dumbest complaint I’ve read in the last week.

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