Petition: Have Doomcock free Harvey Cthulhu!

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube Petition: Have Doomcock free Harvey Cthulhu!

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  • #196137

    I found this, and thought it would be fun is we all sign.

    Have Doomcock free Harvey Cthulhu!

    Doomcock (AKA Overlord DVD on YouTube) has been holding Harvey Cthulhu in a force field in his secret base of Xanadoom at the center of the Earth. We demand Doomcock lower the forcefield so that Harvey can enter our universe and fulfil his destiny!

    Anyone else follow his channel?


    I think that’s the running joke – that Harvey is always looking for creative ways to trick Doomcock into pushing the button but Doomcock never does. I used to listen to his live shows every week and I gave him hundreds of dollars but I got bored of the same shtick every week that hardly changes. His show is tailored toward an older audience, himself being a boomer as well, so it’s very slow and namby-pamby. It’s like a complete 180 from the “future ruler of the world” concept. I think he tries to water down his show too much for the middle-aged childless women who moderate his chat for free.


    And that is part of what makes Doomcock’s shows so funny.

    Just like how Wile E. Coyote is always chasing the Road Runner (sometimes Bugs Bunny steps in), but never gets to catch AND eat the bird.

    It is part of the running (pun  intended) joke.

    Like the castaways on Gilligan’s Island were not be be rescued (I disliked the made for TV movie where they were rescued, BTW).


    So getting HARVEY this attention FULLY KNOWING it will never happened, but just for fun IS the point of it.


    Just like when someone started that petition for the US to make a Death Star.

    Everyone knew that would never happen, but it was fun just thinking about IF it could be done, and what the reaching would be OF the petition.


    There was a petition some years ago in Australia to permanently kill off a bug character in a TV commercial that was running all the time for Raid I believe (the same bug was getting killed at the end of each commercial) and almost everyone voted to not kill the bug forever. I think I also did because I didn’t want to voice actor to be out of a job lol. I don’t know whether or not they still run those commercials since I haven’t watched TV in years.

    Alright I’ve given my personal information for your silly petition lol.


    Hey, it is not my petition.

    I just ran across it, and thought, it is so funny, why not.


    < HA Ha ha >

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