Pets Of Geeks And Gamers 🐱🐶🐰

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      A thread to talk about our cute, fluffy, feathery, or scaly companions 🐶🐱🐷🐭🐹🐰🐸🐴🐔🦎🐍🐟🐠🕊🦉🐦🕷


        @Hazu: big off topic (we could make a pets thread and talk there lol) but aren’t cats much easier to take care of? :P

        Short answer, it depends on the cat 🐱 Long answer, based on my personal experience, out of my 4 cats, 1st cat is completely wild, an expert lizard, bird, and bat hunter who’d have no problem surviving alone if the situation called for it, 2nd cat loves the outdoors, but also loves cuddles, and like your dog, sufferf from separation anxiety ’cause of being abandoned, also loves the rain, litatrelly takes showers in the rain, and comes in with snot dripping from his nose, conclusion: not responsible enough to be left alone for a few days, 3rd cat, hates the outdoors, unless it’s summer, and even then prefers to sleep indoors, could i leave him alone indoors with a food dispencer for a few days? No, that food would be gone within 10 minutes 🐱🐷, 4th cat, new cat, not so well cat, and disappears for entire weekends just to come back monday morning with a big smile on his feline face as if nothing happened 🙀❤💥

        So if you do have cats, even if they’re really independant, you best have a reliable and trustworthy cat sitter to check on them, daily, or multiple times a day


          Had cats for many years and dogs, unfortunately allergies as I got older plus my wises got to the point no ore cats. After loosing my last Dog I still do not have the heart to have another 14 years She was with me everyday from the time I got up, going to work to going to bed. My wife loved to joke “That dog has been in more Hotels Motels and Sleeping bags with you than i ever have” It was true :)

          Also at one time owned a reptile business as a side business and dealt with primarily Snakes and Monitor lizards. People asked if I ever had “Poisonous ones” I promptly corrected them they are “Venomous” and its easier to list the ones I didnt work with than the ones I did.

          Now I just keep my aquariums, Fresh and Reef tanks. People say Golf is expensive, well they aint had a reef tank lol.


            I understand that @mustangride1 . I wish I could have a pet again but I’m not really capable of caring for anything anymore than myself. It’s a hard reality to face but at least I accept it.


            @DigiCat wow xD I guess  cats are basically like dogs then :D

            but the money question is… how many times you got your face scratched by cats? xDD



              @Hazu, 😂😂😂 my face, it’s all in one piece as of now 😁 actually my cats rarely claw me unless it’s by accident, the cat I had as a kid clawed me a bit more, but then I used to try and teach him how to fly and blame him for stupid stunts I’d do that’d get me scratched up all on my own 😹


              Do taxidermy dracos (flying lizards) count?

              Screen Shot 2021-03-16 at 0.10.18


                Well, I own a cat and a dog. EDIT: The forum uploaded the pictures sideways for some strange reason, lol.

                For the dog, he’s a boy named Bently.


                And for the cat, it’s a girl named Princess.


                • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Scuttlest.

                  This was my Sammie Girl, Loved her and still get so much happiness seeing her pictures.

                  But now these are my new kids


                    Awwwwww 😻🐶🐱🐶🐠🐠🐟

                    , to upload photos right way round flip them on computer before uploading 🖥



                    Ruby the wonder dog. She is quiet what is she doing.




                    my little hobbit xD (his name is huahua 花花) , he likes to hide under pillows. he can be very naughty, but he’s the sweetest dog I ever had ^^


                    Abe was the best. Quiet, well mannered. Cancer took him in 18. Still miss this goofy bastard.

                    He was only 8 when the cancer destroyed his spleen; he bled out on the table when they were trying to save him.



                    he looks awesome. i love dogs.

                    I will never forgive God for giving pets such shorts lifespans.  :x  When they leave us, the pain is just too much. So unfair.

                    But anyway, we just gotta give them the best life possible and always remember them =)

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