Philip k Dick

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Books Philip k Dick

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  • #180777

    What your favorite pkd book


    I do like his “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”

    And how there where two “lists” of replicants, and how this sub-plot was missing from the film adaption “Blade Runner”.


    My is eye in the sky Also Ubik


    Also i want the man who japed to be in movie


    Time out of joint too


    Have to admit that I haven’t read his books. Love Blade Runner though. Really should hit him up.


    One thing that was good about “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” was that it was only about 200 pages. I think I am most impressed by writers who can tell a good story in that length of pages. Not sure if this is true, but I heard that movie scripts are supposed to be about 1 minute of screen per page, so a two-hour movie would be about 120pages.

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