Plausible Deniability: A liberals most argumentative tactics

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    So, I had a excellent day hanging out with a buddy of mine (whom sadly is a liberal, but still a good guy for the most part), and he came at me with a conversation where he gives passes at bad video game developers who get closed down because he makes an argument that has ‘plausible deniability’ for their closure rather than openly admitting they were closed down due to bad choices and bad behaviors.

    Now this argument came about before because he was denying and malicious tampering with localized translations for anime/video games. Again, he branches out his argument as “it’s not a 1:1 ratio and it’s made to translate easier for Americans” when we all see localizers flaunting their language changing to fit their agenda, but because I had don’t have all the resources, he faults to “how do you know?”


    Well see, this is where ignorance of the uneducated liberal becomes their defense mechanism. I pointed out because these localizers and developers openly admitted it and the 20 other people correcting them and are more experienced in both fields have called them out online, multiple times.

    He goes on the ignorance statement “how do you know?” Well obviously I know because I actually pay attention: Rev Says Desu, Hero Hei, clownfish TV, and G+G of course and the list goes on of us recounting these misbehaviors in the industry.

    Plausible Deniability is a liberals most annoying tactic because instead of having an actual argument, they question your argument. A very weak but annoying tactic to push you to your limit.

    I know because I have two eyes and a brain, and I’m well informed. That’s enough for me. The problem here is my buddy is playing dumb which is annoying.

    He thinks he knows best when, in fact, we all know that volition failed due to being crappy developers that didn’t give gamers what they wanted and we know translators are mistranslating because they hate the fans and flaunt mistranslations online daily.

    It’s actually quite shocking that liberals use “ignorance” as an argument rather than having an actual argument. Sure he added because Microsoft acquired companies and shut them down after a game. Sadly that doesn’t disprove my argument since Microsoft acquired companies all the time and they don’t immediately go to shutting them down.

    Sadly this debate ended before it could come to a conclusion, but my thoughts on this behavior is that this mannerism of argument seems to be a tactic some liberals are using and if you want to debunk them, show them the evidence or shut them down and ask, how do you know it’s not?

    They might say: “oh because this happens often because this reason” or they’ll compare a similar situation with a different outcome. All in all, I see this being rather childish and annoying to deal with on an intellectual level because it has no substance to a conversation.

    I’m still friends with my liberal friend because he’s my buddy and I respect him for giving me an opposing arguments. It keeps me moving and thinking and really when I have a challenge from a friend, I know I can push our conversations open to the limit and we can still be buddies afterwards. I think that’s a true friendship and honestly, if you can’t surround yourself with people you can disagree, how can you expect to handle times where you will disagree? No one agrees 100% of the time and I respect the hell out of people who can still be friends after disagreeing.


      OK, so overall, /clap… Great post.  Clearly you have gotten beyond person X is not on my team so I hate them.  That is a trap MANY people fall into which is not only ridiculous but essentially what the establishment wants and why they push division.

      Now, let me level set here before I make a few comments.  And this builds on the unity you have laid down so eloquently.   My best friend in the world (and one of the few true friends I have) for the last almost 25 years is liberal.  We talk politics all the time.  And you might think well, there must be a lot of arguments?  Nope.  Why?  True liberals (what is now termed a classical liberal) pretty much agrees with conservatives on most things.  It’s typically the solutions we disagree on.  And that’s how politics has been forever, until Obama came into office.  That’s not to lay that on Obama but just to note when it shifted hard time wise.

      So first thing I have to mention is your use of the term “liberal”. A classical liberal is say Jimmy Dore, whom I watch frequently and often agree with.  A progressive (what I call the tyrannical  left to explain what it really is) is someone like AOC.  Those are two VERY different things.  In reality, as everyone that does not disagree with a progressive is not a nazi so not every one that disagrees with a conservative a progressive.   The irony here is a classical liberal is considered by the progressive to be a right wing nazi as much as a conservative is.  Is that nuts?  Yes.  But it is valuable as it demonstrates where the line is drawn.

      This tactic you speak of, where you deny a position or a fact because you have not heard about it is a form of misdirection.  You also see this when you accuse a person of something and then in some defense they try to explain how you do the the same.  This is debate 101 stuff that teenagers do and it has nothing to do with politics it is just a sophomoric tactic based on ignorance and inexperience. I guess my point there is it is not insidious or evil, it’s just a human nature defense thing.  The true hard core progressives have other tactics that are just a limp wristed but slightly more advanced.  I watched a David Pacman and Dennis Prager talk recently.  Pacman displays every progressive trick in the book because he has zero defense for the superior intellect and life experience of a Dennis Prager.  The only reason it was even near civil is because Prager is a good man and decided not to punish Pacman by intentionally making him look like the uneducated fool he is (compared to Prager).

      I know I ran on and I tried to focus in on a few words used but my overall point here is you are looking at this 100% correct.  This is how everyone should think.  Sure, folks disagree.  It’s not an issue until you run up against what is essentially a cult who requires agreement.  We should all think like you are and hear other folks out, respect them as people and look for common ground and not differences.


      It is also that a dumb population is easier to control/manipulate.

      Keeping the masses ignorant is exactly what their libtard masters want.

      Even when faced with actual facts, science, statistics, live recorded videos, they will deny it.

      They can only believe what they npc programming allows them to.  They have to believe what they are told, and NOT what they actually see/hear.

      Plasuible Deniability, combined with Cognitive dissonance:

      …is a mental conflict that occurs when your beliefs don’t line up with your actions. It’s an uncomfortable state of mind when someone has contradictory values, attitudes, or perspectives about the same thing.



        “Keeping the masses ignorant is exactly what their libtard masters want.”

        If you think this is anything but a war on the common person by the political elite you are not seeing the big picture.  You can call them “libtards” but you are not sufficiently pointing out the bad people doing this. Your scope is far to narrow. It is NOT D vs R.,  conservative vs. liberal, gay vs straight or black vs. white.  This is a war between those whom have usurped power and those that have no power at this point.

        The sooner we all get out of our tribes and realize we are on the same team the sooner this silly sh!t stops.

        But to your point.

        The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.
        — Maximilien Robespierre



        Okay my comment disappeared, so let me break it all down.

        Volition closed down due to the lack of sales for Saints Row. But my buddy wanted to make a false claim saying successful studios get closed down all the time which is a false statement.


        Now you could say the restructuring due to a Saudi backer, withdrawing their merger requires the restructuring, but if that were the case why didn’t gearbox or their eidios division get closed down?

        Why specifically was it volition? Because volition incredibly wasted their money and resources for a sloppy, woke, reboot. There’s no easy way to sugar coat it for him, they got closed down due to underperforming sales.

        My buddy completely denied this and wants me to thing of the “how do you know” argument is in any way valid.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Salvince.

        <p style=”text-align: center;”>@Vknid thank you, you are very insightful. And @Legatis_Legion I thank you for your perspective as well.</p>
        You both have given me valuable insight. I am utterly grateful. 🙏


        @Salvince that is the benefit of a free and open society, where people with different values and points of view can come together and talk and debate and question all sorts of topics, and not get offended by opposing views.

        And places like G&G forums have members from around the globe, so you get more diverse views/opinions.

        Sometimes, even how we use word differ and their meanings/slang/etc.

        That does not make it wrong or right… just different.

        I am glad @Vknid and I were able to give you other ways to look at things.


          This is an example of why I always try to hear people out (so long as they are not yelling or cursing every second word) because you never know when you will learn something new, even if it is just a different way to look at the same thing.

          Closing your mind and refusing to take in new data because you just know you are right is intellectual cowardice.  And there are so many people today (on all sides) who make this philosophical error.


          Agreed! I think we both see that the same way. Lol

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