[PLAY THRU] Elden Ring

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube [PLAY THRU] Elden Ring

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    Congrats to Adam @Roas for completing this game and getting the rank of “AGE OF STARS”.

    Now after a period of rest, to see when @Roas will attempt to go back and complete some of the Quests and getting Trophies he did not get in this fist play-thou.

    Hopefully, we will get some hi-light vids of those moments as they happen.  ~hint hint~


    Well, I went over the trophy list last night, and it will take at least 3 more play throughs to platinum Elden Ring on the PS4. It’s very doable.

    I feel genuinely annoyed that I didn’t thoroughly search the frozen north enough and missed the teleporter to the last shardbearer, ie. that last section of the underground that I didn’t get to.

    I highly recommend the game, but I do have my criticisms.

    Tomorrow, Tuesday April 12th, Mike (OBG70) and I will be recording a video for his channel talking about our experiences with Elden Ring. And I’ll probably talk more about it on Wednesday’s Natural 20. So look forward to that.

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