[PLAY THRU] Mass Effect 2

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube [PLAY THRU] Mass Effect 2

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  • #266563

    Promises Promises!

    < HA Ha ha >

    The fact that in all the time you have been streaming these games, this is the first time you were awarded a BOOMER 100% score!

    The next closest was half that.





    Back up plan will work to save the main crew, but still screwed on the follow up. Gonna try something else.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Roas.

    Well, we’re screwed. Did everything I could, and I don’t even have the back up option to make nice with Miranda or Jack to salvage that fail.

    I’m going to have to replay the game up to our last stopping point, but I’ll just do it on Casual so I can burn through it before next Monday. Then I’ll just put it back to Insanity when we resume.

    Meh. This is what I get for trying to be fancy and play both sides.

    One of the golden rules of Mass Effect: Choose Paragon or Renegade…you can’t have both.


    @Roas Well, I admit I haven’t been able to find the time to watch your playthroughs because I’ve been busy with my own life but I do have a little advice as someone who’s played the games a lot back in the day: It is possible to do a “Paragade” or a “Renagon” playthrough and come out with a Shepard with an interesting moral compass, but you need a thoroughly intimate knowledge of the dialogue options and when and where to acquire Paragon and Renegade points beforehand. It can help if you have a solid idea of how you want your Shepard to be (i.e. I once did a playthrough of a female Shepard with the Colonist/Ruthless background, who was basically a space racist, pragmatic and ruthless towards any who asshole had it coming, but otherwise empathic to anyone who showed vulnerability (rather than being an insensitive bitch). It made for a versatile character, imo).

    Not quite sure what you did with Jack and Miranda but this is important: If you’re romancing Miranda, never pick any dialogue options which express romantic interest in Jack. If there are any Paragon options you think might lock you into a romance with her, just pick the neutral option to be safe. In ME2 & 3 they just don’t make “romance triangle sub-plots” possible for whatever reason. If you try to romance both then unless you have a very high Paragon/Renegade percentage it’s basically impossible to resolve the confrontation while retaining their loyalty. If, however, you’re “just friends” with one of them, then you might be able salvage the friendship later if you were forced to side with the romantic interest earlier. I’m not too sure, it’s been a while since I played and it was never an issue for me because I tend to do side quests as soon they appear, so I always had sufficient Paragon/Renegade points when the time came.


    @FallenOmegaStar We’re not romancing either one this play through. This is all about making sure one doesn’t die on the Suicide Mission. As you well know, the best option is to right away after Jack’s Loyalty Mission is to diffuse their fight with Para or Ren choice, but you need 70% in either to do it AND you need 70% to go the back door route afterwards if you didn’t have enough Para or Ren at the fight. If you don’t make peace with one, they will die on the mission. Happened to me my very first play through years ago with Jack. Until this play through, I haven’t ever screwed it up again.

    I was at a point in this play through where I was totally out of enough character interactions to get anymore Paragon points.

    I fucked for around entertainment purposes when we started the game and basically got an entire bar and a half into Renegade, when I was doing more Paragon overall naturally. So an entire bar that should have gone into Paragon, which then would have normally had me at Max Paragon shortly after the second hard point story mission on the Collector ship, instead was in Renegade leaving me totally screwed at the door to the endgame with nothing left to do but hit the Omega 4 Relay.

    Like I said, golden rule in ME2 if you wanna make sure everyone lives…you can’t split the baby with Paragon or Renegade.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Roas.

    @Roas Your choice, dude. While I’ve gone through the campaign of ME2 several times I haven’t really played the whole trilogy since 2013 so I may have forgotten a little bit in how the mechanics of the game worked, exactly. Sorry if I ever came off as being a bit of a “backseat gamer,” I just know it can be frustrating if whenever you have to restart a campaign (on any game) from the beginning, especially when the fuck up was on your end and you can’t really blame the game.


    @FallenOmegaStar  No worries. You couldn’t know there was no romancing going on if you weren’t watching the streams. In the past 6 years I probably play these games once or twice a year, more in the past year since Legendary Edition came out and that I’m making content. I’m pretty hard line in how I go about playing them that when I fuck up, it’s massively annoying.

    Perfect example. I was doing a private FemShep run earlier this year, and I when I got to ME3 I was being pretty callous with skipping dialogue. Well…let’s just say I skipped a moment in a Miranda conversation that got her killed later…because I was being lazy and rushing through dialogue. I deleted that ME3 run on the spot. Like you said, the game didn’t do anything wrong…I wasn’t paying attention and screwed myself. It’s one thing if I decided to take that path in the story, but when it’s not something you want…meh.

    While annoying, it’s not that much of a hassle to replay it right now. I’ve just got the game on Casual setting right now so I can just blow through right back to where I left it for streaming purposes. In just a few days of playing, I’m already almost there. By tomorrow night I’ll be all ready for Monday like it never happened. Then on Monday I’ll just put it back on Insanity.

    The real trick is trying to keep most of the choices I made the same. I had to make a couple of small different choices here and there, but nothing that effects the ME3 carry over. I know from experience a couple of moments that I like to go Renegade with that I did for this play through can be kept if I go Paragon, ie. Zaeed’s Loyalty Mission and Legion’s.

    My biggest problem right now is my controller being wonky and telling me it’s charging when it isn’t. Once a week I gotta play with it to get it to charge :P

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Roas.

    All caught up.

    Ready for tomorrow.


    And this will be the proof:










    K, I fixed the problem with the Elgato.

    It was one of the HDMI ports on my TV. Once I switched a few wires around, it started working.

    This TV is dying after 12 years. With any luck I’ll be able to get a new TV by the end of next month.



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