[PLAY THRU] Mass Effect 2

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube [PLAY THRU] Mass Effect 2

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  • #273255

















    I apologize for EVERYTHING that went wrong with this stream. The technical difficulties were things I’ve never seen before, and then my poor performance was pathetic. With how many times I’ve played this game, I’m better than this.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Roas.

    Don’t worry about it that much.

    We like your gaming streams no matter the “technical difficulties” or multiple “deaths”.

    Just don’t “BOOST” before hand, otherwise karma will get ya.

    < BWAH HA Ha ha >  🤣




    Can this be the one, in which the war is won?

    Stay turned to find out!


    Okay…we did it!

    Thanks for staying with me through it all, even when I played poorly at times or suffered numerous boomerisms.

    These videos may go unlisted, but you’ll always be able to access them here as long as I don’t move them to the membership tier when I open that up.

    …I need to go pass out now…


    Even without the “muscle twitch” at the end, I can easily see where they can go with Mass Effect 4.

    More on the catalyst-being.

    More on the original creators.

    For all we know, since Mass Effect takes place only in on Galaxy, the original creators might have made their “escape” to another galaxy, to only now return once they have detected the energy wave/signature the device set off.

    What dimension were these ravengers hiding in between these cycles?  What other secrets might be found within?  Did the energy wave/signature effect that space as well?

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