Playing Mass Effect Legendary Edition!

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    Okay, folks.

    I’ve talked a big game here and on my channel about Mass Effect Legendary Edition. The time is nighe! In two days the game drops, and I’ll finally have it in my hands.

    I’m going to be recording ALL my game play for each of the MEs, posting reviews of each one, and you’ll see it all. I’ll be hiding nothing to give the most honest and truthful take on the remastered trilogy as I can.

    What I’m also doing is inviting people to have a little influence in how I’m going to play each game. Namely, we’re gonna start with Romancing!

    I’m going to let the crowd direct how I romance in ME 1 and probably ME 2. I’m playing it straight, so same sex romance is off the table, sorry folks.

    So go ahead and voice your opinion on who I should romance in ME 1: Liara or Ashley!

    Romance in ME 2: I’m leaning towards Miranda so we can see if her sex scene near the end was censored or not. Otherwise, I will go with what people say.

    Okay…let’s have some fun!


    It has arrived and is awaiting to be placed in my hands as of 10 AM my time.

    Last chance to influence my ME 1 play through.

    Game play recordings forth coming!




    First, I apologize for the picture quality of the game in this video. I needed to actually be in and play the game to get the settings right on OBS for the capture card. By the next video when I meet the Council on the Citadel, I’ve fixed it.

    So far, the game is great. No censorship in ME1 at this point. Full on cleavage for the Matriarch, and in my next video, you follow the Consort’s ass in a camera shot as she walks away. If they were going on a censorship spree, I think it would started here. If indeed all they did was move the camera once on Miranda’s ass in ME2, then people were getting worked up over a single non-game breaking moment that while still did not need to happen, did not need to be turned into a WWIII.

    Also, while I am going Paragon in this game, I have decided to open up my being influenced to either go Paragon or Renegade in ME2!

    So for ME2 anyone who wants to mess with my play through, you can now influence my romance options and whether or not I go Paragon or Renegade!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Roas.

    So I gotta eat some crow. I’ve complained about the Mako for years, but MELE made it a little better.




    Yeah, I know, 3 hours…but it’s covering all of the stuff that happens on the Citadel for the first time. Didn’t really feel like I could cut things.

    Future play sessions are cut down to just important parts.




    I’m a fucking retard.




    I was still, and am to an extent, struggling with the filters on OBS cuz of my average capture card, so it gets a little darkish at times.

    Because of this issue, I’m skipping posting my Feros run, because it’s video quality is not great.

    ME1 Endgame is uploading right now, so that is soon to come.



    ME 1 comes to a close. The Sniper Rifle is god.



    The adventure continues!










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