Playstation 5 Revealed!

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      PS5 Console Reveal!





        Thanks for the pictures, Jeremy! However, I am sticking with my PlayStation 4 Pro. Do not like color and design of controls and console. Some of the games were interesting though. I appreciate the livestream on Gaming with Geeks channel for the PS5 event.


        Thanks for the pictures, Jeremy.  I only liked the Racket and Clank game that was revealed, because it was part of my childhood and my younger brother liked Racket and Clank as a kid.


          I thought the presentation was decent overall and some of the games looked good – nothing blew me away but it was good.

          As far as the console design itself it’s meh.


          Gotta be one of the must underwhelming console reveals ever! I only saw like maybe 3 games that I would even care about and two of them will be on PC (Hitman 3 & Resident Evil) and maybe even all three since Horizon Zero Dawn is coming to PC later this year…I’ll stick with my PC and Switch for now…


          Horizon 2 instantly sold me. I absolutely loved Zero Dawn, so this is exciting and most definitely an instant buy solely on that. I’m interested in the new Resident Evil, but I need to see more of it. Deathloop looks promising too.


          I’m liking it so far.


          I forgot to mention in my previous post the games that looked interesting. The most obvious is the Horizon Forbidden West, but I was also impress by Spider-Man: Miles Morale, Ratchet and Clank: Drift Apart, Destruction AllStars, Deathloop, and Kena: Bridge of Spirits. The other game that I want more from is Godfall. The other games were not the games that I am looking for. In other words, not interested.


          I think for this reveal Sony wanted to show off a broad assortment of games, so that there could be one or two games that would appeal to everyone. I am most looking forward to Horizon Forbidden West and Little Devil Inside. Kena looked really good as well.


          Honestly, I was underwhelmed by most of it. Since I’m primarily an RPG player first and foremost, Horizon 2 was the only thing that made me stand up. The new SquareEnix IP also grabbed my attention, but since it was so quick the jury will have to remain out on that one.

          However, everything I just said must be qualified by the fact that I am not a launch buyer. I’m the guy that waits 1-2 years before getting a new console at the beginning of each new generation. So, I’m not exactly the target audience for a launch. When I get a new system, there has to be 4-5 games shelf ready that I REALLY have to have.

          For now, I’ll ride the pine and stick with PS4 for at least another year.


          EDIT: At first I was not pleased to see  Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Not a Miles guy, never have been since he was introduced in Ultimateverse. Then I realized it was a good thing…because if Miles gets his own game, then I don’t have to play as him in Spider-Man 2, which was a possibility I was not looking forward. I loved Spider-Man 1 to the point where I platinumed the game I had so much fun with it, so I want the next game to please me just as much, and being forced to play as Miles would have been a negative for me.

          • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Roas.

            My goodness that is a very white Playstation.  Boss, you mean to tell me folks did not get upset about that?

            I would be shocked if the price isn’t over $500. That is why Nintendo rules.  Affordable for all and fun!


              I’m curious to find out just how much of an improvement it’ll be over the PS4 Pro.


              Not a big fan of the console being white…hope they come out with alternate color schemes by the time I decide to buy one, it just looks a bit too First Order-y for me right now. Why would Sony want to remind anyone of those f’n movies? Also, it doesn’t look like you can lay it on its side. That’s gonna be a pain for some folk’s entertainment centers.

              Some nice games announced however, I kinda hope Spider-man: Miles Morales at least has a PS4 version…but I doubt it. I probably won’t get one for a few years, I have a ginormous backlog which will just keep getting bigger as the PS4’s life cycle winds down and stuff goes on sale. So no real reason for me to adopt so soon even if it’s backwards compatible. I really hope Fire Pro Wrestling World makes the list of cross-gen titles as I’ve sank way too much time and money on dlc and creations to just give it up.

              Looking forward to the Horizon sequel, I thought the first was a mixed bag…great exploration and combat (the robot enemy A.I. was amazing), but I just didn’t care much for Aloy and thought the majority of the missions were pretty dull. The backstory on how that world came to be was neat though.

              Gran Turismo looked fantastic as well, I haven’t played one of those since GT3, but that’s something folks are gonna use to pimp the PS5’s graphics for sure.

              Also, GTA5 getting a port was no surprise given how popular it, but mannn…I hope with that coming out it doesn’t mean they don’t have something special up their sleeve for the 20th Anniversary of GTA3 next fall. They gotta remake those PS2 games at some point right? And when are we gonna get a port of GTA4? If they can’t port the PS3 version, there’s always the PC.

              I dunno, like I’m looking forward to next-gen, but I’m not exactly excited for it.


                I’d prefer a black console, don’t mind the white; but I really don’t like the reverse-Oreo black & white sandwich that is the current PS5.

                The two games that intrigued me the most are Kena: Bridge of Spirits and Ghost Wire: Tokyo.

                I know a lot of people are excited about Horizon 2, but I’m a little disappointed.  As an open-world action game (ignoring the supposed RPG designation), I loved the strategic combat and exploration of the first game. However, frankly I did not like the protagonist very much.

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