Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Community Hub › General Discussions › Poll: 57 Percent Say Gender Determined at Birth
Clearly this is a bunch of BS. I am absolutely certain of a few things here.
1) The Washington Post is a biased rag
2) Most polls are bullsh!t
3) I am certain that far more than 57% think this
If you look for the actual poll (linked below) and read it you will notice a few things quickly. The first is that it was performed on a whopping 1,300 people. Almost half of whom were actually trans people or identified as. And if you read further you will see all the shenanigans they played on the numbers to get the result they wanted. My opinion here is that this number is what they were looking for. They want to make it appear that there is much support for this idea but not make it so lopsided as to be unbelievable. This is an attempt to soften the populace to the idea.
The interesting thing is I found that MANY “news” outlets wrote articles based on this biased poll as if it was some sort of scientific discovery.
This is not journalism this is activism trying to push an agenda
It is true. Sex is determined at birth, as is sexual orientation and “gender identity”. They’re just not always in sync.
Those other 43% who think either is a choice have their heads up their rear ends. Curiously, a lot of lgbt people buy into this notion, too, falling for the lie that acting upon one’s impulses is in any way self-affirming. It’s an illusion of autonomy, a result of society and even most parents discouraging the development of ego, and instead replacing it with group or social identity (identity politics included).