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I just noticed this morning that the edit button is gone from my posts.
I found a really stupid spelling error in a post, and I wanna correct it :P
Okay, it’s here in a new post, but missing in an older post I made only yesterday.
I’ve noticed this, too – For whatever reason there’s only a limited time to edit posts. It’s a little annoying whenever I’ve noticed I’ve made spelling or grammatical errors.
I don’t know if the “EDIT” option is available only while you are logged in, or for 24 hours.
I would have to check if one logs out, then logs back in, if the “EDIT” option is still available or not.
I guess for the ease on the database, archiving older posts without endless edits makes sense.
The edit option was there this morning when I made this, now it’s gone.
And I desperately need to go back to another post and change “knew” to “new” because my freaking hands typed one thing, and I didn’t bother to proof my post :P I’m not freaking garbage tier, I just sometimes type faster than my mind :P
This also makes the case for the Preview Post option. If that were there, I’d always use it.
I think most people read past the odd spelling error.
Guess you just proved the “EDIT” is only good until you log out.
One thing I try to do, is after I hit “SUBMIT”, I still re-read it now that it is readable to all.
I have had to “EDIT” the obvious spelling mistakes that I missed when I first made the post.