President Donald Trump Assassination attempt, A Canadian’s Reaction

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube President Donald Trump Assassination attempt, A Canadian’s Reaction

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    WOW They just shot President Trump on LIVE TV.

    July 13 2024, a historical day for all the Wrong reasons. What do John F Kennedy, Ronald Reagan & Donald Trump all have in common? Assassination attempts. I was sleeping, then I woke up to a video from  AsmongoldClips  from  AsmonTV  about President Donald Trump getting shot. I kept waiting for him to say it was a deep fake…it wasn’t & at that moment, I realized how insane things have gotten.
    1 the assassination was a violent act that got apparently 2 audience members killed & 1 seriously injured. 2, people were reveling in it on Twitter. NONE of this is normal. A normal sound minded person does not revel at assassinations, because you are not just laughing at the person you “Hate” you are also laughing at the victims that got shot & died. Unfortunately there was another casualty, the shooter. Things are at the Too Far Gone point now & the police need to realize that they have to take ANYBODY, especially progressive Leftist Activists very seriously because we have seen them getting increasingly more & more violent.
    Look at today. Regardless of the outcome in November, everybody needs to take precautions because they will burn the cities down regardless of the outcome, look at what happened in France, they rioted on both occasions this year. Activists are very violent people & I strongly believe they have mental disorders & forms of Schizophrenia. Thank you for watching & let’s pray for America & a good recovery for both President Donald Trump & the victims recovering from both physical wounds & trauma. Never forget, his name is President Donald Trump. PRESIDENT!
    God Bless you all.


      Great video sir.

      I appreciate Canada.  I know Canada is full of awesome people.  I donated to the truckers because it was in that protest I saw the spirit of the Canadian people.

      Donald Trump is no savior.  Donald Trump is not some guy that walks on water.

      What Donald Trump is, is a guy with a steel pair that cares enough about the country to take a bullet.  People can call him selfish or a narcissist and I am sure he is self concerned, he always has been.  But someone who is entirely self absorbed DOES NOT lose a chunk of their fortune to garbage allegations or takes a bullet for his cause. Watch the video.  The man tells his agents to WAIT.  So he can get up and show everyone he is OK and to cheer them on.  Holy shit.  Do people understand the metallic sac that requires not to be a scared bunny rabbit and run away in that situation?

      For all the people that hate Trump because he is brash or boastful, I want to see you get shot and keep your wits about you and essentially control the situation so you can do what you feel needs to be done.

      True bravery is hard to come by, but all it takes is one person to demonstrate it and it can become contagious.

      Let’s all pray there is now a pandemic of bravery in the US, AND Canada.


      God Bless America



      Thanks for the video in the OP. It’s tragic what is happening to Canada and the western world. No matter what they tell you, it’s worse.

      I mainly listen to Lauren Southern and RagingDissident about Canada.




      I am a guy who lives in Canada and certainly we have indeed been affected by the crap that Trudeau & Chrystia Freeland have pushed onto citizens Illegally, even though there has been a lot of push back done by regular citizens whom have had enough of the governmental bullcrap


        Canada has wonderful people.  But you guys now live under a tyranny.  I knew that the moment I saw a line of riot “police” (mercenaries) march forward and beat anyone who was in the way of the next step forward.  When you challenge a tyrant, he will indeed show you who he is.

        But lets be honest.  Trudeau decides no more than Biden does.  The west is being attacked by external forces with social and financial engineering. There is absolutely no way most western countries are experiencing the exact same major issues at the exact same time.  That’s called a playbook.

        The goals of that are 2 fold.  Drastically reduce population and to dilute western culture such that it no longer exists.  The west in general champions freedom and expects it.  This is in the way of a central government.  If you can remove that expectation from the major western countries, there is no one left to demonstrate the virtues of freedom.


        The Great Western Civilization Experiment of Freedom, Democracy, Liberty, etc. has been attacked since day one.

        Both externally and internally.

        When a nation/empire/etc loses its morals, its principles, its values, etc. it is only a matter of time before it falls.

        The Western World has lost those.

        The elites, the globalists, the nwo, the deep state, the swamp, etc. what ever label you wish to label all those evil people/groups does not want to give up power, and that is what I see happening.

        The first Trump POTUS term put their plans behind by at least a half-dozen years.  Just imagine what a second Trump POTUS can do to their tyranny.

        Fake nossier, fake news, misinformation, stolen/fraudulent election, weaponize lawfare, and now an assassination attempt (after trying to get Trump’s secret service protection revoked – to make him an easier target).

        As a commentator stated: The USA is a nation too politically divided to last.  A peaceful balkanization is what I see is in the near future for the USA, but it will only be a peaceful breakup if and only if the extremely toxic far alt-left lunatic allows it to be peaceful.  I am sure at this stage the left would rather have a full blown civil war 2.0 and burn everything to the ground than give up power.

        And if/when that happens, with the USA in disarray and in no position to pressure other governments, expect major and many conflicts open the world over.

        Not exactly WWIII, but close enough, IMO.



        Yeah,we may of had tyranny go on around Canada for a while,but as of late the tide has turned big time on Trudope, Chrystia Freeland and the other corrupt dimwits in power and it’s just a matter of time before they are swept out of power and all their Shady dealings will come to an end and everything they did bad will have a light shon upon their deceitfully Garbage.

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