Proper credit for the failed version of Star Wars

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Star Wars Proper credit for the failed version of Star Wars


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  • #204962

    Greetings All,

    The time has come to put the credit for the failure of the sequel trilogy and like-minded projects where it belongs.  Calling it “Disney Star Wars” is not entirely accurate.  The individual whose decisions and philosophy that has led to the development of these awful projects is non other than Kathleen Kennedy.
    With the recent positive movement recently observed in the emerging “Favreau/Filoni Star Wars” line, it is important to start to differentiate the quality between the products and properly label each for what it is.  Disney is not entirely without blame, but that is mostly for not removing her from her position.  However, that may not be possible with the contractual terms of the sale from George Lucas.  We do not know.
    All I am saying is that KK, after a legendary career of “producer” credits in some of the greatest films ever made by people other than her, deserves the recognition for what happened when she was put in full control of the franchise.

    Her philosophy (The Force is Female)…

    Her LFL Story Group (Kiri Hart, Pablo Hidalgo, etc.)…

    Her hires (Ruin Johnson for TLJ, Jonathan Kasdan writing the first version of Solo)…

    Her tolerance for employees demeaning and insulting paying consumers that want a better product…

    Her acolytes drawing red Xs through pictures of Luke Skywalker…

    So many issues that you would not expect from someone with such a legendary career.

    In closing, it is my suggestion that the sequel trilogy and the like-minded products should all be referred to as “KK Star Wars” instead of “Disney Star Wars” from here on out.

    Embrace the Dark Side and you will find me there, waiting…

    • This topic was modified 4 years ago by SithScorp.
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