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  • #164972

    My PSN is Ryumoau.

    Though i mostly play single player games, usually JRPGs and indies. Just finished Trials of Mana and Final Fantasy VII remake. Currently playing an indie game called Swords of Ditto.

    Used to be heavy into CoD online. Now i just mainly play the campaigns of them only. lol


    PSN: USDutchkitty

    Currently playing FFXIV on the Gilgamesh server, just made a linkshell called “Bad Wolf” but I also play Fortnite for my co-op gaming needs.


    DirkDiggler8509 (just changed it from thruxbeinxxcool) on PSN. I haven’t been on of late because I’ve been focusing on my fitness.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by DirkDiggler.

    PSN: Philip_J_Fry2049

    I tend to play a lot of Battlefront 2 and some Uncharted 4 from time to time.


    I dont play online games. Much of the time my PS4 isnt even connected to the net as my WIFI signal is cut in half when my bedroom door is shut.
    PSN handle is MrDragonbane but I dont think I have anyone as a PSN friends list; not even real world friends.


      (If you add me, put Geeks + Gamers in the friend request, please)

      Havent been playing online much recently but when I do it’s usually Overwatch, Paladins or MK11 (although the recent overpricing of Aftermath has kinda pushed me away.). Probably try out Battlefront 2 since it’s free this much. I dabble in random shit from time to time as well.
      Feel free to add me, either way, because we could play something similar in the future.


        GreedFall is fucking brilliant.
        It may be the best game of the generation.
        Although, my DC bias would probably have me still say it’s Arkham Knight.


        PSN: DrManhattan3005

        I’ve been playing Battlefront II a lot recently.


          Is Tera worth getting into? How much of a money sink is it?


            When I tried to search your name it said “No Players Found.”.


            Toastie_McBake.  I play all kinds of stuff but mostly single player games. Right now mainly focusing on Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Persona 5 Royal, Street of Rage 4, and Trials of Mana.  If there are any Bloodborne or Souls fans out there I’m usually down for co-op.



            I currently playing through borderlands headstone collection for the first time. I played warframe non-stop for a long time, but I became bored and needed to move onto something else.


            Psn: SuijinSenshi

            I’m more of a single player but I’m down to play some Rocket League, GT Sport, Tekken 7 or SF V.



            play battlefront 2 , call of duty and fifa online mainly


            PSN – AlphaTechUnityTV

            I mostly play Battlefront 2, Smite, Paladins, Fortnite, Black Desert Online, Destiny 2, Apex Legends & Call of duty Warzones.

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