Reality of MeToo

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      In my younger years, I actually studied acting while going to grad school.   I had an agent and the whole nine yards.  Want to know the reality of the MeToo movement in Hollywood?  None of those women are victims.  None.

      They all use sex to get ahead and only when they can no longer do that, (because a crop of younger, hotter women are coming up), only then do they scream about the MeToo nonsense.

      Doubt me?  Go to an audition and see 200 smoking hot women going for 1 role.  Go out to California.  Go see these things for yourselves.  I liken it to this.  There are literally millions of women right now using sex to make money.  They know exactly what they are doing.  It isn’t like there isn’t any other jobs in society.  Those women rather chew their own arm off than work a regular 9 to 5 job.


        MeToo is about making money and getting attention, nothing else.


        There is real abusing, real rape happening all over the world, specially in asian countries. But they don’t care about those cases, because that won’t give them money. They just care about hollywood fake cases, because they get money and they get to take down big names, as revenge for something or just to feel powerful.

        If you go to a man hotel room at night, it’s stupid to think you’re going there to negotiate a contract or read a script. And they all knew that, they just pretend now.

        Anyway, I just feel bad for real victims… what do they think when they see on tv/social media this big actresses crying rape for bad dates / failed gold digging. It’s really messed up.


        Me too has been bullshit since day 1. Ever since they understood judges and public opinion of ignorants would always favor the woman, the metoo crap went viral. Easy money, my uncle in the US told me it’s hard to even look at a women in some places because if it’s one of these nutcases you’ll be branded as rapist with sexual assault for.. looking at someone 🤦🏻

        All of this made the voices actual women, in distress and in need of help, worth nothing. Because people are now seeing this as lies and a bad joke, since any woman can spit false accusations and put someone career and even family at risk.


        Seriously, some folks went to prison after being wrongly accused of rape/sexual assault, then let go after YEARS.

        They say they want equality but actually they want privileges (which they already have in many fields) with 0 responsibility.

        It’s simple really, if you make false accusations, if proven that you lie, you should be held accountable and put in jail.


        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Legion.
        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Legion.
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