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I suspect that even many liberals don’t want the cancel culture, child transgenderism, riots, no police, infanticide, to ban airplanes and ACs, decriminalization of pedophilia etc. but some of them will do anything and agree to anything if they think that’ll help bring socialism. They say America is irredeemable because of how it was founded, yet these extremists are willing to literally do anything for socialism without moral or ethical considerations. In fact their only benchmark for ethics seems to be that whatever serves the purpose of bringing in socialism is necessary. It doesn’t matter how many die, who dies, how they die, how the rest of us live – nothing matters except socialism.
Ive seen this video.
Its a damned good reason as to why they need him out.
George Soreass needs to die.
He did state more than once that he is the anti-christ and that he wants to take down the world before he goes if he can’t get his nwo set up.
Also, I recall at one time some “investigative” reporters were trying to track down were all of his “funds” were going. They had to give up because it was so huge, so complicated.
How many “sleeper cells” has he set up?
How many of his fellow “elitists/globalists” are ready to do the same?
I heard people throw out terms like elitists, globalists, socialists, Bilderberg Group, the Illuminati, skull & bones, freemasons, templars, deep state, shadow governments, new world order, etc.
His threat about 2020 being the turning point should scare rational people everywhere.
On September 16th, 1992, George Soros made one of the most audacious trades in recent times when he bet an enormous sum of money against the British sterling. In the process, he pocketed over a billion dollars and brought the Bank of England to its knees. Making a billion dollars is by all means no small feat, but to destroy the monetary system of Great Britain in one single day is something else altogether.
Former British mercenary Simon Mann, who led a failed coup attempt in Equatorial Guinea in 2004, has accused US billionaire George Soros of plotting to overthrow the country’s government.
These are just tests of what he can and is willing to do.
Sleeper cells: Uncountable.
His buddies are also willing to follow his lead. The Bilderberg people are no joke. When the media actually did their jobs people vanished for simply trying to get intel on them.
As for the Masons. If they didnt exist this country wouldnt exist. Something between 1/3 & 1/2 of the signers of the Declaration of Independence & the Constitution were members. The Masons may be the remnants of the Templar order.
first pic with henry Kissinger and the 2nd with Benjamin Netanyahu, keep an eye on them 2 being around trump, id like to think trump is legit for Americas sake
take a wee look into the new silk road involving trump, China ,Israel and Russia , something strange going on on the hush
If you read the bible, God has a habit of using very flawed people to bring about his will. I honestly believe flawed people know more about how the world really works than people who are “good”. As a flawed person, you see all of society. You understand more.
I believe God is using Trump. In the bible, it says that before the end times the sins of the leaders will be made known to the people and that women and children will lead the people.
What is Trump really doing? He is exposing the leaders of this nation on all sides. Trump has done nothing really wrong as a President. He has helped all people frankly. He has been nothing but pro-America. When all these people attack him — you see them for what they are. Even the Republicans who attack him are being shown to the people. Remember all the Generals who suddenly came out of nowhere to attack Trump a few months ago? Why did they do that? Oh, that is right. Trump went after the drug money in South America by using the military! That is a source of their Black OPS funding!
As for the women and children leading? I would say the majority of the insanity from the Democrats is coming from women. You see this in everyone from Pelosi to Warren to the Squad. What about the children? We have David Pigg and Greta. Grown ass adults are listening to those two morons who know nothing of the world.
Trump is a reprieve sent by God. I am not even a bible thumper and I am not a saint and I can see it. They hate Trump because he is showing the world the sins of those who lead and because he stands in the way of a very satanic agenda.
Like I said, go read the bible. God uses flawed people. Hell, the first person Jesus took to heaven was a criminal. I don’t have much advice for people really, but I know this. Stay close to Jesus Christ. I know in my personal life… I survived things I shouldn’t have and it was all because of him. Prayer does work.
”I am not even a Bible thumper”…
…proceeds to claim Trump is sent by god to fight Satan and sataninic agenda.
Cool story bro
Just because a person can see something biblical is happening it does not mean that person is a bible thumper. You aren’t very smart, are you?
What I said is indeed happening and I gave many examples of how it is happening. Enjoy Trump for 4 more years too because he is going to win in a complete landslide. People are majorly ticked off out there.
You do have a point, but usually seeing obscure theories indicates you’re mentally unstable.
And I will enjoy 4 more years of Trump if he wins. I doubt he’ll win in a complete landslide, if at all, but I sure hope so.
If ever I saw a Biblical event it’s what’s happening now in the world. As an agnostic I don’t know what to think.
^^^What he said.
The satanists have nearly taken full controll of the government; then Trump won an election they felt rigged for Killary and they unleashed 4 years of hell on those of us who refused their mistress.
Just wait till Gropin Joe is dragged off in chains for his crimes.
Well now I’m curious what these ”satanists” would do. Summon the devil himself by sacrificing Trump’s blood? 😨😨