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Anyone old enough to remember the term “yuppie”?
When I was growing up their was this prevailing thought process that rural life was boring, oppressive and meaningless in spite of the fact this is how humans have lived since the beginning of time in one fashion or another. Along with this went the idea that big city life was exciting, full of meaning and the only real way to experience life.
I personally believe this is when people began to all but worship places like New York, London, Paris and so on. Back in those days (80’s) if you were working or living in such a place it was considered that you had “made it”.
I wonder if this was organic where society just shifted as it began to marvel at itself and started to lose touch with God. Or, was this when some of the propaganda started to push people to cities, materialism and consumerism? I know from 80’s movies there was indeed some of this propaganda around both in the realm of sexuality and consumerism. In fact terms like “the battle of the sexes” and “gender bending” came out of the 90’s if I recall correctly. I believe these to be embryonic versions of the insanity we see today in gender.
What do you guys think?
EDIT – I wanted to mention something to personalize this a bit. I too bought into this thought process myself for a long time. In my younger years I thought having a big house and a nice car was success. And I did well to that extent but after working for a Fortune 500 for several years my values and what I held dear began to radically shift. This is especially the case after I got married and had children. At this time the only way I would work for such a company again or live that lifestyle is if I had to.