“Republicans WILL NOT Win 2024, Big Tech Is Helping Democrats”

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      I watched this video yesterday.  I am going to watch the whole talk today.  This researcher (who claims to be a leftist that voted for Hillary and Biden) says Google and other big tech like Facebook is far more effective at tilting an election to the point where he states the voter fraud is something we should be concerned with but not concentrating on that THIS is the thing to worry about influencing elections.

      Very interesting.  I knew this was the case to some degree but this man absolutely quantifies it and explains it explicitly with actual research and testing.





      Thanks for posting. Smart. Billionaire Paul Singer is actually working full time on removing Silicon Valley from the USA to another country. The movie Police State by Dinesh D’Souza goes into Big Data by Big Tech as a way to monitor behavior. They say all your behavior can be tracked and modified. That guy Yuval Horari called humans “hackable animals.”

      When Zach Vorhies realized that his employer Google were going to not only tamper with the US elections but use that tampering with the elections to essentially overthrow the United States, he decided to blow the whistle. He took the evidence he had gathered to the department of justice and came forward through project Veritas in august of 2019, where those documents still can be found online.

      Zach has since been talking about the implications of what he saw happen at Google to the press. He figures it’s them who’s breaking the law, not him and his best chance of making it through unhurt and the story be heard, was to tell and retell it.

      In this interview with Rico Brouwer of Dutch online channel café Weltschmerz, Zach not only details how the search engine actually works to rank results but also explains how Google may edit content. Like their translation service deleted the word ‘covfefe’, after president Trump used it in 2017 and how Democratic Presidential Candidate Tulsi Gabbard was removed from Google top results after she won one of the debates. Further, Zach talks about how Google has played a role also in destabilizing countries in foreign regime change politics.

      Zach explains how Google would also use Wikipedia to rank their search results, even though Wikipedia is not to be considered an authoritative source of information. When Rico mentions that the whistleblowing on the removal of covfefe and the biblical meaning of the word was up on Wikipedia, that came as a pleasant surprise to Zach. We learned after ‪the interview‬ was recorded, than the battle for the content of that particular Wikipedia page was going on even while we were recording. Since Wikipedia holds a history of edits, you could look up the edits made on November 20th 2019, via the links below and find the ones that include Zach and the meaning of the word.

      Meanwhile in Europe, in the Netherlands the Minister of Internal Affairs assessed in October 2019 that rather than Google or Facebook it was ‘fake news’ and ‘alternative media channels’ that posed the bigger problem she intended to pro-actively put control over. She wrote to parliament that according to research she had done, a search engine manipulation effect was not happening in the Netherlands.

      Rico Brouwer previously interviewed dr. Robert Epstein, who has done extensive research into the Search Engine Manipulation Effect on elections in different countries where Google is being used. They discussed the far reaching implications and threat to democracies worldwide, including the Netherlands, by Google. The interview with Robert Epstein can be found in the links below.


      Big Tech = election interference

      Legacy Media = propaganda / biased reporting / election interference

      Democrats fear of a free and open and transparent election.

      Hoping that their message that their opponents CAN’T win, will result in people then NOT bothering to vote.

      Projecting their failings and destructing policies on their opponents.

      They fear the grassroots movement to replace RINO’s (republican in name only/democrats winning by running as a republican) with true republicans.

      The fear people will wake up to all the crap and how they are only concerned with their own wealth and that of their big donors, and NOT the American people.

      Calls/demands for term limits to all politicians (POTUS, Senators and Congress).

      The deep state/elites/the swamp/etc will do all in its power/influence to prevent the will of Americans, actually solve problems, etc.

      A political justice system (like those used by the Nazis, the Soviets, the CCP, the democrats).

      When the political national conventions determine whom will run (and not the preliminaries/voters) trust in the election process is corrupted.

      Ballot box stuffing and overnight mysterious ballots (95% on-sided and enough to flip the results), trust in the election(s) on all levels…

      The US is in serious trouble, being lead by the extremely toxic far alt left lunatic and being allowed by a weak opposition and biased reporting/tech platforms.

      And if you believe in the many polls, the dems and the biden/kamala regime is in serious trouble, and they and their allies will do everything in their power to maintain their hold on power.


      I do hope President Trump and the real republican party are successful in 2024 and beyond.  The USA and the world needs it.



        “Democrats fear of a free and open and transparent election.”

        It is a critical mistake to think all this are just the Democrats.  It’s not.  It’s almost all of them.  The Democrats are the vocal ones pushing for insane change yes.  But the Republicans are the ones not only doing nothing about it but much of the time voting for it as well.  They are all on the same team.  The only factions that matter in all of this are those in the establishment and those who are not.  In essence it is the government vs. the people.

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