Resident Evil film reboot is woke trash

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    Yeah so why tolerate affirmative action and politically motivated castings?


      The only castings i tolerate are those in which the actors do a good job bringing the characters to life

      Now the motive behind the casting i might not nessasserily agree on, i know that nowadays there’s favoritism towards diversity, the same way i know that back in the day, 40s 50s 60s, things went the other way, favoritism towards whites, both are wrong and we should get to a happy medium, that of equal opportunity based on talent regardless of race


      I wanna trigger digicat just for fun xD

      what did you like about the birds of prey??
      I didn’t watch it, just like i didnt watch captain marvel… but i saw some reviews and I think i didn’t miss anything, but I’m a little surprised that some people actually enjoy it :D

      lol but I guess you went without high expectations then?
      Maybe i gotta start doing that, and watch stuff just without thinking too much and try to enjoy it xD

      Cheers ;)


      Well Birds of Prey was woke trash as well so of course Digi likes it


      lmao xDD cmon man


      I feel like a Joe Biden gif would’ve been more appropriate to go with your response, cmon man


        I wanna trigger digicat just for fun xD

        what did you like about the birds of prey??

        lol but I guess you went without high expectations then?

        😂😂 Gonna take a lot more than that to trigger me 😜

        Lol, I did go in with low expectations, that way when I watched it, it was better than what I thought it would be

        It was fun and it made me laugh, I liked that it was told from Harley’s point of view, and she had a cute fluffy pet hyena 😻

        Also wasn’t nearly as woke as the marketing, example, they kept advertising Black Mask as a misogynist, he’s not, he’s a narcissist, he tortures men and women equally


        Lighting and makeup are not going to fix Hannah. And even if they could they wouldn’t, they made it a point for her being black is required for the role! Hence the leaked casting call which specifically called for black actors.


        And here’s a few off the top of my head who would be better than that damn diversity quota casting choice:


        Not that you care what’s better, you just want to further this culture of racism against whites


        I operate under the assumption now that everything will be woke, and I haven’t been surprised in a very long time.


        In this repugnant day and age that’s the best mindset to have. ALWAYS expect the absolute worst and you’ll often be pleasantly surprised.

        with THIS film however it’s definitely trash


        Bet you’re loving the recent casting for Wesker in the Netflix series eh shifty? Given that you’re a woke peasant


        Actually I’m kinda pissed about it as I wanted Lance Reddick for Charles Xavier in the MCU. Homeskillet sold himself way short on this and for some bullshit that’s gonna tank miserably.

        No way Feige will have him in the conversation now after taking on what seems to be a similar role that’s going leave some serious stank on it with the geek crowd.

        Now I gotta revert back to my original pick for Chuck, that being Andre Braugher.

        Also bummed Paola Nunez, Jake Gyllenhaal’s long lost Mexican sister got herself mixed up in this trash. Both her and Reddick are too good for this shit. Hell, she would’ve made a good Jill.


        Also… “woke peasant” …lol, get out of here with that nonsense.


          Someone please post some pics of who got cast as who… and in what, so that i know what’s going on 😅

          • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by DigiCat.

          Paola wouldn’t make a good Jill, much like your queen Hannah, they’re simply not right for that role

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