Resident Evil film reboot is woke trash

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    299B1986-7A9B-46D2-B078-94A5A0182FDCDigi, this is who they expect us to accept as Wesker



    “Paola wouldn’t make a good Jill, much like your queen Hannah, they’re simply not right for that role”

    Captain Wrong wrong again!



    Self righteously saying your opposition is “wrong” is not sufficient. Substantiate your asinine point!


    Same argument applies!

    No need to drag this out another ten pages!




    No it actually doesn’t because what I said is obviously true and anyone who is not a woke ideologue knows it.


      Digi, this is who they expect us to accept as Wesker

      No offence to the actor, but i don’t see him playing Wesker, or Proffessor X @Shiftygism


      And he’s a good actor, that’s what sucks about this situation. They’re doing the man a disservice by putting him in this role knowing full well it’s going to piss people off and knowing full well some idiots are going to give Lance shit that he doesn’t deserve. But that’s their plan, they’re going parade Lance around as a victim of harassment and racism and use “muh diversity” as a shield against criticism of their mediocre writing.


      what they SHOULD do since this series already has NOTHING to do with the games’ canon, is keep the actor but give him an original role OR have him play the character Josh Stone from Resident Evil 5. Having him play Wesker is them having a combative attitude towards the fans who are PAYING CUSTOMERS and it’s opening up that actor to dealing with unpleasant drama and a mediocre product on his resumè


        That is 100% true, not only the pissing off fans part, but SJWs always complain about needing more diversity, giving diversity a chance, but they’re not doing diverse people any favors if they cast them in a shitty project

        I don’t know anything about the series Lance got cast in, but to talk about something i do have more knowledge on: Eternals, marvel went crazy with the gender swapping with that, and for what? To have the movie end up hated like Captain Marvel, or forgotten like Incredible Hulk?


        And these SJW peons don’t even tune in to shit that’s catered to them! Like that repugnant Batwahmen show, it’s ratings are absolute shit!


        “No offence to the actor, but i don’t see him playing Wesker, or Proffessor X @Shiftygism

        Why? Because he’s black? lol, whatever. The dude would be absolutely amazing as Xavier from the roles he’s played over the years, as well as stylistically regardless of his skin color. Talent is what you go by. Talent is all that matters. He very well could make a good reimagined Wesker as well, but fuck that because this project is beneath him.

        There’s nothing about either Xavier or even Magneto that requires them to be white. Stan Lee based both on black individuals in an era where he couldn’t have them be the prominent figures of a comic book, they can be now, they should be now, especially Magneto given his age. He needs to be updated. And there’s plenty of atrocities against blacks you can substitute the holocaust for which would carry the same weight allowing a fantastic actor like Lance Reddick, Andre Braugher, Carlos Esposito, or even Denzel Washington to play a character of major importance in a universe of what will be a couple hundred by the time they introduce “The Mutants.”


          @Shiftygism, i’m all for talent over race, and let me remind you that goes both ways, you can’t say in one breath “talent is all that matters”, and in another “we don’t need another white character, we got plenty” which you’ve said something like that in this thread talking about Jill’s casting

          I will admit to not knowing anything about the character Wesker, but based on those images alone (ignoring race) Lance isn’t giving me Wesker vibes, that’s not to say he couldn’t prove me wrong and embody Weskers personality, actually, convincing the audience you are that character when you don’t look like them makes the job even harder and so that much more inpressive if you pull it off

          As for X-Men, i’ll just say it outright, i don’t want the X-Men to be recast, i want the MCU to seamlessly fuse with the old X-Men movies and continue those characters stories rather than rebooting the whole thing

          All that said, i’ll repeat myself in saying, even if Lance is perfect for the role, if he was cast souly for his race, and no passion was poured into making the series, leaving it a shallow agenda pushing screaming “all whites bad”, would that be doing Lance any favors? No! Whatever character he plays, whether it looks like him or not, the focus shouldn’t be on getting a black man for the job, but it should be on making a good story


          I can absolutely say that in one breath when you’re not letting everyone with talent a seat at the table because of superficial reasons. There is nothing wrong with filling a checklist if you pick someone that is talented enough to carry and make the role theirs. Things change. In any adaptation.

          For instance look at all the idiots complaining about Issa Rae being cast as Spider-Woman in Spider-verse 2, but overlooking the fact that what the comics did to Gwen is much worse. “Who cares if one of the most important deaths in comics history was retconned, let’s instead whine about a black woman voicing a cartoon!”

          Also, like what you will, but the Fox X-men films are mostly terribly adaptations of beloved property short changing great characters like Cyclops, Storm, Rogue, and Colossus. It had its time, it even had its soft reboot, now its time to let the folks that have been patiently waiting two decades for it to be redone with a bit more care and not have it the team be overshadowed by Wolverine at nearly ever turn.



          Best quote I’ve read in the last week, which I’ll paraphrase regarding the nonsense associated with the latest Predator and Spider-verse, which can now be applied to this…

          “Descendants of Native Americans and The Blacks hear horror stories about genocide, stolen land and property, slavery, lynchings, loss of dignity, etc. Years from now all of our descendants will be like “they took our cartoons and comic characters!”

          Shit’s dumb.




            On Spider-Woman, yes, those complaints are ridiculous, animated character=it don’t matter the race of the VA, and that also works both ways

            You mention wanting an X-Men movie not overshaddowed by Wolverine, well guess what? SPOILER In the fox X-Men time line Wolverine’s dead, so by merging it directly with the MCU, no Wolverine, unless they set some movies back in time

            I can absolutely say that in one breath when you’re not letting everyone with talent a seat at the table because of superficial reasons. There is nothing wrong with filling a checklist if you pick someone that is talented enough to carry and make the role theirs. Things change. In any adaptation.

            And by saying this you make it all about race and not talent


            “And by saying this you make it all about race and not talent”

            No, it’s not. You’re casting as you would for any film and picking those right for the character makeup you’ve decided upon. Those that pay for the rights to make something, can change anything they like and often do.

            Also, Spider-Woman will likely now be black as it doesn’t make sense to have two white girls in the makeup of the team assuming Gwen (in name only) returns.

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