Resident Evil film reboot is woke trash

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    It’s such a bullshit cop out when SJWs resort to “nothing about so and so says they have to be white”, that is the stupidest fucking pseudo argument you commies ever come up with. There’s PLENTY of reason Wesker NEEDS to be white, it’s called he’s been white since fucking 1996! When a character has been a certain way for DECADES and said character gets adapted to another medium there’s the expectation that the character should, I don’t know, LOOK HOW THEY ALWAYS LOOKED!


    Oh and like I said, Fox’s X-men were bastardized takes on the characters at their core, the continuity is a mess, poorly cast in a lot of instances, and they failed The Dark Phoenix Saga twice, it needs a fresh do-over. You had your films, let us have ours.


      Also, Spider-Woman will likely now be black as it doesn’t make sense to have two white girls in the makeup of the team assuming Gwen (in name only) returns.

      And that’s my fucking point! No one in their right mind would say that Spider-Woman can’t be white because Spider-Gwen is white!

      Also, that would be very insulting to Issa, you’re basicly saying she’s not allowed to voice or play characters that are not her exact race, way to pigeonhole someone’s career


      “It’s such a bullshit cop out when SJWs resort to “nothing about so and so says they have to be white”, that is the stupidest fucking pseudo argument you commies ever come up with. There’s PLENTY of reason Wesker NEEDS to be white, it’s called he’s been white since fucking 1996! When a character has been a certain way for DECADES and said character gets adapted to another medium there’s the expectation that the character should, I don’t know, LOOK HOW THEY ALWAYS LOOKED!”



      Nice exaggeration, yet another tactic trash like you never fails to do.

      Yet if there were, say, an all white reboot of Fresh Prince of Bel Air your ass would screeching as loud as your sperm coated lungs would allow.


      “And that’s my fucking point! No one in their right mind would say that Spider-Woman can’t be white because Spider-Gwen is white!

      Also, that would be very insulting to Issa, you’re basicly saying she’s not allowed to voice or play characters that are not her exact race, way to pigeonhole someone’s career”

      A lot of sensible people would as there’s no need to have two white females on this specific team when they’re adapting something new and would be insulting to Issa if Spider-Woman couldn’t be black as it would rile up the jimmies of narrowminded fanboys (and girls) who can’t look beyond the surface of a trait that doesn’t have any importance on the character’s background thus allowing an opportunity for a diverse casting.

      There’s a reason they cast her. There’s a reason whatshisface was removed from voicing Apu. Some things just don’t fly any more.


      “Nice exaggeration, yet another tactic trash like you never fails to do.

      Yet if there were, say, an all white reboot of Fresh Prince of Bel Air your ass would screeching as loud as your sperm coated lungs would allow.”


      Racist AND homophobic, nice!



        “no need to have 2 white females on a team”, and you have the nerve to say it’s not about race, give me a break

        I don’t agree with Swagula, but at the very least he’s consistent, he doesn’t like race swapping whichever way it goes


        I am being consistent. Everyone should get an opportunity to take part in these fucking movies and tv shows. Race does not make someone better qualified for a role in most cases allowing room for diversity.


          I am being consistent. Everyone should get an opportunity to take part in these fucking movies and tv shows. Race does not make someone better qualified for a role in most of these cases allowing room for diversity.

          Ok, so by that logic, everyone should get equel opportunity, lets say there’s a new superhero movie, new heroes, we don’t know anything about them, so equel opportunity means that everyone can audition regardless of race, and the ones who are chosen are so souly on their talent without any bias, so after that, when the cast is announced, by your own logic, you should be ok regardless of whether this new team is all white, all black, all asian, mixed, ecc.


          Equal opportunity doesn’t mean anyone can audition. This isn’t how shit works. You have set roles, and try to be diverse in the make up of those roles. Also, the hypothetical scenario you presented is silly as the notion of a white Blade casting which is used as an attempt of a “gotcha” reverse logic argument. We’re talking about bringing diversity to primarily white driven content in a white driven industry. If they made an all black or asian superhero film that would be fine, as those are lacking in the mainstream and would surely be driven by the culture of each. It’s the same idea of broadening the spectrum.


            Equal opportunity doesn’t mean anyone can audition. This isn’t how shit works. You have set roles, and try to be diverse in the make up of those roles. Also, the hypothetical scenario you presented is silly as the notion of a white Blade casting which is used as an attempt of a “gotcha” reverse logic argument. We’re talking about bringing diversity to primarily white driven content in a white driven industry. If they made an all black or asian superhero film that would be fine, as those are lacking in the mainstream and would surely be driven by the culture of each. It’s the same idea of broadening the spectrum.

            So you want a primarily white industry to give minorities a chance, correct?

            By that logic, do you also want Japan to make a movie with an all white cast? ‘Cause in Japan their entertainment industry is primarily Japanese, so whites would be the minority


            He’s not about equal enforcement of the rules he claims. He’s about discrimination against white people, nothing more, nothing less.




            1. I couldn’t give a fuck what Japan does. Whataboutism. Again, you’re reaching.

            2. Taking away two roles in a stupid zombie movie for the sake of diversity in a property where the characters they’re adapting are incredibly thin (even more so in regards to Albert Wesker) is not “white discrimination.”


              I’m not asking you if you care what Japan does, i’m asking if you agree that if a majority white should help out minorities then a majority asian should do the same, it’s a yes or no question, or are you afraid to answer it?

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