Resident Evil film reboot is woke trash

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    2. Taking away two roles in a stupid zombie movie for the sake of diversity in a property where the characters they’re adapting are incredibly thin (even more so in regards to Albert Wesker) is not “white discrimination.”

    So you admit it was done for a woke political agenda and not a case of the best person for the job just happening to be nonwhite


    Again, it’s a dumb “gotcha” reverse logic argument and something completely unrelated to what we’re discussing.

    This isn’t Japan. Every country has their own makeup of cultures or something much more narrow in scope compared to the United States and that’s not a rabbit hole we need to go down.


    “So you admit it was done for a woke political agenda and not a case of the best person for the job just happening to be nonwhite

    Diversity is NOT a political agenda, you dumb fuck.

    It’s about being a decent human being.



      @Shiftygism, you’re really good ad avoiding to answer questions, almost as good as your old nemisis Niko

      What you are saying is not equal opportunity, you’re thinking souly about race

      Yes, once uppon a time there was real discrimination, and that’s wrong

      It was wrong in the 1940s that Hattie McDaniel was discriminated aginst for being black, that at the oscars, in which she was nominated and won, she was segragated from the rest of the Gone With The Wind cast

      But 2 wrongs don’t make a right, we shouldn’t be going black people were oppessed then, now it’s white people’s turn, we should be making sure that such things never happen again, against no one, obvioussly i’m not implying whites are being discriminated against the way blacks were back then, but discrimination starts with making one rule for one race and one for another, so however petty it might be to complain about as you put it “WAAAAAAH! MY COMIC BOOK CHARACTERS CAN’T POSSIBLY BE THE SAME IF THEY DON’T LOOK LIKE THE ONES I KNEW ON THE SURFACE!!!”, it’s still wrong if that change is allowed one way but not the other


      Diversity is NOT a political agenda, you dumb fuck.

      It’s about being a decent human being.

      Bitch please it’s about virtue signaling, nothing more


      People that toss out “virtue signal” claims are usually the ones that want to ignore the existence of issues if they aren’t directly affected by them.

      “you’re really good ad avoiding to answer questions, almost as good as your old nemisis Niko”

      It was not only a loaded question but one that couldn’t be answered with a simple “yes” or “no” as things aren’t black and white regarding a matter that has nothing to do with what we’re discussing as Japan, and a whole host of countries we could needlessly drag into the conversation have their own cultures, ideals, and values.

      “What you are saying is not equal opportunity, you’re thinking souly about race… …discrimination starts with making one rule for one race and one for another”

      Again, back to the original discussion, the Resident Evil film would’ve had five (primarily) white leads had they not switched things up. They lost two to diversity casting. So what. So fucking what.There shouldn’t be rules when it comes to this sort of thing, it should be common fucking sense. The ethnicity of a character in most cases, especially for shit like Resident Evil, doesn’t matter and allows such changes. Not many white folks are chomping at the bit to be lead in a Tyler Perry film so don’t sit there and give me this there has to equal treatment in casting practices. I’m sure folks will adjust, they’ll have to, things need to change, and these dipshits that cry over superficial elements like these need to realize that when a studio lands the rights to a property they can do with it whatever they like for better or worse. Be it a half black Jill Valentine that angers bigots like Swag or complete failures of characterizations and storylines as we got with Fox’s X-men.


        They lost two to diversity casting. So what. So fucking what.There shouldn’t be rules when it comes to this sort of thing

        I completely agree with the fact that there shouldn’t be rules for these things, but again, that works both ways, if two characters being played by non-white actors = so fucking what, then all characters being played by white actors = so fucking what, i don’t know how many times i have to repeat that

        it’s the reason why i have no problem with movies like The Party in which Peters Sellers (white) plays an indian character, and i also have no problem with Zendaya (black/white) playing MJ who’s white in the MCU Spider-Man movies, but i’m consistent, i don’t condemn one while worshiping the other


        It shouldn’t work both ways.

        The problem lies with “all characters being played by white actors.”

        It isn’t necessary and things need to change.

        Also, Zendaya isn’t playing Mary Jane Watson, she’s a reimagined version of that character.

        Peter Sellers however…being a white man, playing an Indian (Native American?), is racist…but the world and industry was much different back then.



        Again, back to the original discussion, the Resident Evil film would’ve had five (primarily) white leads had they not switched things up.

        again, moron, why would 5 white leads be a problem. You say “it would’ve had 5 white leads” and you fail to expand on why that’s wrong. Just say that you’re a racist piece of shit who hates white people and move along


          @Shiftygism, by saying it shouldn’t work both ways you’re just proving you’re a hypocrite, the problem doesn’t lie with all character’s being played by white actors, the problem lied once upon a time with actors of other races being discriminated against, now that has changed it doesn’t mean there can never be an all white cast again, it just means that there can also be mixed cast, and all black cast, and all asian cast ecc.

          And when i said indian, i meant indian from india… i’m gonna guess that you don’t find it racist for actors of other races to play white characters


          I’ve expanded on that at great lengths for thirteen pages now, it’s not my fault you either can’t keep up or are too stupid to understand.


          “it doesn’t mean there can never be an all white cast again, it just means that there can also be mixed cast, and all black cast, and all asian cast ecc.”


          “i’m gonna guess that you don’t find it racist for actors of other races to play white characters”

          Again, keep up…if there’s no reason for the character to be white…they don’t have to be in a reasonable instance, especially when need to broaden the makeup of the cast.

          The Resident Evil film, and even the casting of Lance Reddick as Albert Wesker were instances of that.



            You’ve expanded on the fact that you’re a hypocrite, ’cause you have one rule for one group and one rule for another group, that’s not equality, regardless of what happened in the past


            Equality, lol. We’re not talking about a equality, we’re talking about a measly seat at the table. EVEN IF you change a role here and there when it’s a character that would allow it, it’s still likely gonna be disproportionate makeup of folks in a white dominated industry. Sometimes doing what’s right and being fair doesn’t always go hand in hand, nor should it.


            The poor white people that loses out a role or two.

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