Resident Evil film reboot is woke trash

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  • #219832

    Wait… are you the type of person who thinks all gays are SJWs??

    No jackass, I know of a few gay people who oppose you SJWs in the culture war. Off the top of my head the great Milo Yiannopolous, Dave Rubin, the youtuber “The Justicar”(though he hasn’t uploaded in a while), Rob Smith(gay AND black), Blaire White(yes I consider HIM gay).


    I’m sure I could find more examples but I think I’ve adequately made my point


      No jackass, I know of a few gay people who oppose you SJWs in the culture war. Off the top of my head the great Milo Yiannopolous,

      Ok, yup, I like Milo too, just wanted to clarify since you said Shifty’s my buttbuddy, which wouldn’t even make sense, ’cause, if Shifty liked me, he wouldn’t be gay

      You still are insinuating I’m an SJW though, why’s that??

      And of course, we should not go full drama queen too… lets wait for the product and then we evaluate it.

      100% correct @Hazu

      That is what mature people do, have a first impression, and give an actual opinion after seeing the product

      Everyone said Dark Phoenix was shit, I watched it, and it was indeed shit

      Everyone said Birds Of Prey was shit, I watched it, and I actually enjoyed it


      The fact of the matter is this movie IS shit and I’m not giving my money to find out what I already know. And yes the hypocritical race swapping bullshit is a HUGE aspect of why it IS SHIT! There are more reasons it’s going to suck ass as well like the fact they’re cramming the stories of 2 games into 1 film, that means either they’re going to make it over 3 hours long just to at the minimum do the story justice OR they’re going to half ass both stories to squeeze it into the 90-100 minute runtime


      obviously its it’s going to be woke, every film those virtue signaling pedophiles in Hollywood has crapped out since 2015 has been woke trash. The fact it’s a movie made in current times already isn’t a good sign, then it turns out they pointlessly race swap 2 characters serves that in addition to being woke they display a callous disregard for who these characters are(nobody with the last name “Kennedy” is Indian, that doesn’t work)


      I know everything I need to know to not spend money on this shit


      you yourself said Darin Phoenix was indeed shit, well it’s shit you paid for! You contributed your money to the paychecks of the scumbag degenerates who made that woke dumpster fire! You giving them your money for a film you admit is trash served as positive reinforcement for their garbage work!


        What @Hazu said and my response is already posted on the top of the page for you to see, so if you want to prove you are otherwise, keep on entertaining me, anyway, I seem to be pretty good at explaining stuff to preschoolers, so this shouldn’t be to hard for you to understand:

        I’ll probably be repeating this like a broken record, I never said you should pay for a movie you don’t want to watch, but, if you don’t want to watch the movie, then accept that you won’t know how the movie actually is

        The fact of the matter is, you don’t know if this movie’s gonna be shit, ’cause you haven’t watched it yet

        There are more reasons it’s going to suck ass as well like the fact they’re cramming the stories of 2 games into 1 film, that means either they’re going to make it over 3 hours long just to at the minimum do the story justice OR they’re going to half ass both stories to squeeze it into the 90-100 minute runtime

        And yes, that is a valid reason to assume it might be shit, but you’ll never know for sure until you’ve seen it for yourself

        you yourself said Darin Phoenix was indeed shit, well it’s shit you paid for!

        I said I watched it, not that I paid for it… But you are right, I did pay to watch it in theaters, not because it was a movie I desperately wanted to watch in the cinema, but ’cause I just enjoy going to theaters in general, and you still missed my point, I didn’t know for sure it was gonna be shit when I paid for it, I knew there was a possibility, and I was willing to risk

        There’s many movies I watched in theaters which I heard were shit, but I paid to watch them in theaters, and actually enjoyed them, I can go the other way too, there was nothing in the Suicide Squad trailer that made me think it could’ve been shit, it looked cool AF, but the actual movie was pretty shitty


        Again, I know enough about the movie to know it’s shit! On principle I’m not financially supporting the woke tarnishment of 2 characters I care about, it’s not going to happen, and your condescension isn’t going to compel me otherwise


          Again, i never said you should pay to watch a movie you don’t want to watch

          and your condescension isn’t going to compel me otherwise


          psyduck gif

          edit: i just read that properly, “condescension”, how am i being condecending?

          • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by DigiCat.

          You come across that way with your preschooler remark.


          That being said why would I want to enable something I morally disagree with? And why are you ok with the double standard when it comes to raceswapping?


            You come across that way with your preschooler remark.

            Oh, ok 😜

            Continuing the debate, you keep on bringing up double standerds and being consistent, but as you saw just yesterday, i am consistent in my opinion that i don’t really care about the race of the actor, as long as they give a convincing performance as the character, otherwise i wouldn’t like movies like The Party

            the_party_dutch_r2-cdcovers_cc-front_cut1 Peter-Sellers-Inspector-Clouseau-The-Pink-Panther

            And i could go on with more movies

            That being said why would I want to enable something I morally disagree with?

            And again: i never said you should pay to watch a movie you don’t want to watch

            • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by DigiCat.

            This thread is still going? Lol. OP needs to take some prozac.

            I actually get where he’s coming from, but this is otherwise a nothing-burger. It isn’t the same thing as race-swapping Sir Lancelot or Anne Boleyn.

            Sometimes things like this are a consequence of the larger cultural zeitgeist. It isn’t always necessarily done out of malevolence but by simply following the Left’s lead in how successful they’ve managed to push the overton window. Right-wingers needs to be careful in how they pick and choose their battles lest they end up looking foolish.

            This isn’t 2014-16. If things were going to change, they would’ve by now. Our energies are better spent in creating or investing in media which supports our ideals rather than pissing in the wind to companies that have no reason to listen to us.


            We simply aren’t going to see eye to eye, my view remains consistent that if raceswapping happening in the context of what libtard snowflakes call “whitewashing” is not acceptable then it needs to be equally unacceptable the other way around but it isn’t because libtard snowflakes hate white people and somehow rationalize that as “not racist”


              Surprisingly we actually do agree, if it’s ok/not ok for one, the it’s ok/not ok for the other, with the only difference that for me it goes the other way, for me all race swaps are equally acceptable, as i’ve always valued getting the best person for the job over having them look more like the character, then if you hit the jackpot and score both best for the job and looks, so much the better


              Except this isn’t an example of the “best person for the job”, it’s an example of woke affirmative action


                😅 Finally found some common ground and you still bring up the same arguments, it’s almost as if you’re not interested in seeing eye to eye but only in picking a fight

                Enjoying the attention much?


                What the hell “common ground” are you referring to exactly?


                  my view remains consistent that if raceswapping happening in the context of what libtard snowflakes call “whitewashing” is not acceptable then it needs to be equally unacceptable the other way around


                  if it’s ok/not ok for one, the it’s ok/not ok for the other


                  If something’s acceptable or not acceptable for one side, then the reverse should be equally acceptable or not acceptable

                  We agree on the basic principle that things shouldn’t be one sided

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