[REVIEW] Terror On The Prairie

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Movies [REVIEW] Terror On The Prairie

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  • #278810

    Critical Drinker finally got to review this film;


    Drinker was being very generous in his review. This film felt more like a demo reel than an actual movie. Gina Carano showed she can act now and the Daily Wire showed they can make a movie that looks professional and on par with Hollywood. That being said, the script was crap and the editing / pacing was atrocious, especially during the actions scenes. How many times did someone have a clean shot at an opponent who without any reason left their cover, only to either not shoot or miss at a mere 20 feet?  It made no sense.

    Yes, I get they wanted to make the action scenes not feel like a stylized gun slinger shootout, and it made sense for Carano’s character, but not for the others, who were veterans with combat experience.
    And as the Drinker mentioned, the main villain’s constant bible quotations usually had little to nothing to do with the plot or his actions, and just came off as forced and unnatural. I like the idea of someone bent on revenge and justifying his vengeance with religion, but that is mostly an internal struggle, not something you theatrically perform to other people. Unless you’re insincere about it, which this guy here wasn’t.

    All in all it was a very basic, paint by numbers film with a tired revenge motivation for the villain, clunky action scenes, bad pacing and for some weird reason no music. I think the Daily Wire would be wise to hire the guy who did Bone Tomahawk for this kind of movie. Or maybe some old director who fell out of favor with hollywood like Brian De Palma or John McTiernan.


      I have never really believed in taking a work of art or a creative work, laying it bare and then pulling it apart and judging it by it’s individual pieces. Most anything you do that with will come up subpar.  And stories and movies are such a subjective thing.  I think it boils down to you either enjoyed it or you did not.


      Spoilers alert…

      For me the movie was okay. Nick Searcy has an amazing performance. I had no issue with the bible quotes, it was very common during that time and made him look like a psycho, which he was, especially because of his struggle with God and Life, due to his family loss.

      The plot and storyline are very basic, but it’s watchable, a decent western. The gore was excellent.

      The negative, in my opinion, was some parts of Gina’s character, sometimes it didn’t make sense… For example, why would she invite a group of villain-looking men inside her house when she’s alone with her children…



      @Vknid  As with all art, there’s the craftsmanship and the consumption aspects. One is objective, one is subjective, and while good craftsmanship may aid in making art enjoyable, it doesn’t guarantee it. Take the recent Nolan movie Tenet as example. Without a doubt a brilliantly crafted movie. But did most people enjoy it? Nope.

      Same goes for music. The big artists of almost every genre are objectively well produced these days. Be it pop, metal, electronic, hiphop or whatever genre, it’s all cleanly equalized, the singers hit the notes, and there’s usually enough fancy production values to put distance between oneself and the amateurs. But do we like it? Do we even enjoy most music? I’d say no. But it’s also not a big deal. If you don’t like the new song by Taylor Swift or Beyonce or The Weekend, no one cares. But if you don’t like the new Star Wars or Marvel Movie, that becomes contentious.

      There are no (noteworthy) music critics out there, because everyone realizes music is subjective. With movies and video games and to a lesser degree books, there are tons of professional nitpickers. Why? I think because it’s a bigger investment. Most people listen to a song for 3 seconds to decide if they like it or not. But with a movie, book or video game you have to invest time to find out if you enjoy it or not. And on the flipside, they aren’t cheap to create. Music costs nothing to make (provided you have access to a good mic and a mixer) and nothing to consume. And there’s so much of it. Every day there is so much music released that it would take more than a lifetime to hear it all. How many theatrical movies are there per year? 200-250? Of which at maximum 50 may interest you.
      Video games and movies cost millions of dollars and years of time to make. If your movie costs 250 mil to make, then you kind of want it to be perfect. And as a consumer, you expect not only to get your money, but also your time and emotional investment’s worth.
      This is why mistakes in movies or games are more scrutinized. Because the waste more money and time. And in theory, they’re avoidable. Bad editing in this case or a bad script in case of most big budget movies these days are avoidable pitfalls. That’s why the craftsmanship matters as much as subjective enjoyment.

      I pretty much hated Terror on the Prairie. But objectively, it shows this studio as well as Gina Carano as a star have potential. So I’m keen on their next project.


        I see what you are saying man but in the end the purpose of art is for enjoyment.  So if someone enjoys it is in some sense a success.  But I see what you are saying.  And maybe it is a human thing to pull something apart in an attempt to appreciate it’s parts as well as the whole.  And for sure it is a thing for someone in the same business to want to do that.  I am sure I might listen to a song and quickly decide whether I liked it or not.  A musician will listen to that same song in a much different way and probably automatically pick it apart in real time attempting to not only enjoy it but understand it.

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