Revival or Repentance?

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    Over the past few weeks, I’ve heard a bit about what’s been happening at Asbury Seminary in Wilmore, KY, even heard things from people who went there and spent a bit of time in the chapel. Of course, this has also led to talk about similar things that happened in other times and places, such as the Welsh Revival in the very early 1900s.

    I admit, I’m very skeptical of the idea of “revival”. To my mind, “revival” is mostly just another form of “big event”, the kind of thing that people flock to like football fans flock to the Super Bowl, or music fans flock to another iteration of Woodstock.

    And if I look at the New Testament, I see little about what we might call “revival” and how we can cause one to occur. If the early church was focused on any things, it seemed they were concerned with taking the gospel of Christ to the unbelieving nations, and then teaching those who believed so they could grow and mature.

    The early church didn’t seem concerned with an emotion-laden event called “revival” as they were concerned with repentance of sins and faith in the living God.

    I’m not anti-emotions, but I know that emotionalism is a dangerous thing. Far too much evil has been allowed into churches because those who presented the false teachings knew how to scratch itching ears, because they knew how to make the listeners feel good, how to play to their emotions.


      Emotions are in themselves neither good or bad. It is how we react to them that is and how some might use them against us.

      I have seen video of this revival and it seems legit to me in that the people flocking to it are lost and know they are.  They want to be closer to God and either don’t know how to do that or are still skeptical but are willing to listen.

      Now, how they are being taught or lead I cannot speak to because I simply do not know.

      My point is that those flocking there are not evil but I cannot speak to the leadership so maybe you have a point.

      All we can do is cast the seeds of faith the best we can and hope they fall in fertile ground and not on stone.

      I try to do this each day whenever an opportunity presents itself.

      A farmer went out to plant some seeds. 4 As he scattered them across his field, some seeds fell on a footpath, and the birds came and ate them. 5 Other seeds fell on shallow soil with underlying rock. The seeds sprouted quickly because the soil was shallow. 6 But the plants soon wilted under the hot sun, and since they didn’t have deep roots, they died. 7 Other seeds fell among thorns that grew up and choked out the tender plants. 8 Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted! ” — Matthew 13



      Yeah, heard the same about emotionalism and stuff like that. People come from different backgrounds. There are so many denominations, factions and sects of religions. The Orthodox sometimes mock the west about that, that they have a franchise church on every corner, but I think it’s cool. One reason alone is just the music. There is so much incredible Gospel that I have not heard. Sometimes, if you are Christian, you think the world or the country has similar roots to yourself. I truly had no idea how fragmented Christianity was.

      In fact, I’ve started to read a bunch of books about it and I just finished a really good one that had like 4 page short stories from different types, so one would be a Quaker, the other Amish, a Baptist, Calvinist, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Protestant, Mormon, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and it goes on and on and on.

      So, it was very interesting to hear writers, authors and reporters talk about the world today from various backgrounds. I have no relation nor affinity to most of them and was a big fan of Wayne Dyer. Wayne Dyer was an agnostic because he grew up an orphan and bounced around different foster home families, so he said one year, he’d be a Jew, the next, a Buddhist, Cathoic, Christian, etc., so it was interesting for me to listen to him and he went deep into Christian Science and New Age philosophy. Think about having to adapt to families as a kid. What is one to do?

      I really, really appreciate your more fundamental take and approach on it, as I think formal and proper structure is a necessary base. The repentance is absolutely missing and I think the modern Christians would own up to that.

      As for the emotionalism thing, I’ve heard that before and, to me, the evangelical faction is a relatively new sect of Christianity, as far as I can tell. It makes sense to me to reach people where they are at. Some people get hooked on impulse and stimulation from TV, so they buy into hype, so I do think that emotionalism is better spent in church than going to a rock concert, or a sporting event, or a movie, so that’s what I see the new Evangelicals kind of doing to spread faith.

      The evangelical emotionalism is entertaining to me and I see a lot of religious people online talk about repentance and definitely see where they are coming from. There is a paranoia about false teachers and false prophets and anyone does run the risk with this new style of ending up in some kind of cult of personality or cult of talent. Enetertainment. Faith entertainment. Emotionalism entertainment. Therein lies the risk.

      Asbury Revival 2023, Jesus Revolution, Faith Films, Gospel Rock, Religious radio, and other projects do seem a bit corporate and capitalistic, but I recall an ancient faith film by Steve Martin called, “Leap of Faith.” Steve Martin plays a false prophet and false teacher that witnesses a miracle and it actually gets him angry and I think he quits.

      Thanks Audie for this thread because I was going to ask you if I could use your music thread for gospel music. Let me know if inappropriate, or maybe I’ll start one, but I don’t want to get to preachy because I do NOT even go the church and have not been for a long time. To be honest, I got kind of triggered by the topic.

      There is a saying though, “Act As If.” As much as it might be cheesy, it might be corny, it might be cringe, but sometimes, I look at those weirdo type Christians and they get the closest to that feeling I has as a little kid in a religious school, where your eyes are bright and you are full of energy and excited and happy to be going somewhere because you expect great things to happen, you expect miracles and stuff like that and these cheeseballs, I like watching their emotionalism because they come closest to that vision.


        “And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” –Matthew 18:3


        –Thanks Audie for this thread because I was going to ask you if I could use your music thread for gospel music. Let me know if inappropriate, or maybe I’ll start one, but I don’t want to get to preachy because I do NOT even go the church and have not been for a long time. To be honest, I got kind of triggered by the topic.

        It may be best if you started another thread. I don’t really want to hog my own thread, I haven’t even posted anything on it for a while anyway, but a thread that says it’s for gospel music might get some attention and some posts of its own.

        That’s a suggestion. You can post stuff like that on my thread if you want, but I do think it might be best to keep it separate.


        You are NOT wrong.

        One time at work, some old guy told me that some of these services will beam frequencies at people to get them to feel emotions. At the time, I was offended and insulted and thought that old coot was crazy, but now, I would not be surprised.

        Some footage I like.

        Back third of this video below is great. Running wild in the streets.


          Some emotions are the most powerful motivators there are. Hence why there is so much fear mongering in general from all sides.  But emotions can also be positive.


          The Devout. The devout will be left with the emotions wear off and the chosen are few. Many will quit and drift away, but the old ways of the devout, like you said, for the mature, will remain when all of that is gone. You are right about that. I am lucky enough to have an elderly member of the family that is the opposite of emotions and that does her prayers are certain times of the day consistently with no displays of exhibitionism.

          Will say this though, that I like watching the people chase for emotion, or a buzz or a charge or a spark or fire in the spiritual realm than at some sport or from the occupied media. Also, the further you go, I heard that the more spiritually mature people are less likely to depend on any kind of substance. It won’t affect them as much because they get good emotions elsewhere.

          It’s one thing I really like about Jeremy is that he says, “I don’t drink.” It actually surprises me when people take a stand on anything. Even on little things, because you are so used to people tolerating it all, so respect to those out there like Lady GraveMaster who openly tell their watchers that they don’t drink. They are not telling people what to do, but they are telling people what they do.

          Anyway, huge apologies, Audie, and I truly hope I did not hijack or spam the thread.

          Psst. Don’t want to mention this, but some cynical people think Project Blue Beam might be being prepped.


          I have a different take.

          I in recent times am leaning more and more towards being Christian. I was raised that way and when I became a teen I dumped it all. Now, I never went off the rails into drugs and wild sex, etc. I never slept around or got into drinking/drugs when I was in bands either, ever. I was the band member who was setting there doing nothing, often alone because of it. Those core values were always there in the back of my mind. But, I am now 48 and the world is going straight to hell every…single…day. You can’t see what is happening and not think that imo.

          My father keeps saying to go to church. But, I am not a church going type. I am not into groups and crowds and hive mind atmosphere. I saw enough of that when my mom went to the Pentecostal church when I was a kid for years. Which got pretty radical and scary as a kid seeing people freak out and flair on the ground “speaking in tongues”. (Ohh, have I got some stories). My dad keeps saying you can’t be a Christian without church, I disagree. The bible says nowhere in it that you wont go to “heaven” if you don’t go top church. Also, I am a metal head, I don’t like church music man. lol.

          I’ve also been single for a LONG time (more than 10 years), and people in my family keep saying to go to church to find someone. But, my dad has been married 7 freakin’ times…and he has gone to church all this time and met people in church, still getting divorced more times than celebrities. So, going to church isn’t going to change anything imo. And, once again, I am not really into the church thing, and a girl I met in church would be.

          I also work and live on night shift, so that makes it hard to meet…anyone…and want to go to church.

          Anyway. It may be nice for these people to have a “revival” and do all this stuff in large groups and out in public, but some people like myself don’t want to participate in that. I am always weary of group think and hive mind activities and people standing around waving their hands in the air. I mean, even as a long time metalhead who played in bands, I still thought moshing and all that was stupid. lol. It’s just how I am, and my “faith” wont change that.

          So, not everyone wants to be in a “revival”, and that’s ok.



            We have very similar stories.  I am Catholic and I have not been to Church since COVID started.  Initially that was because of COVID but then I got to the situation where I did not want to go to an institution that I sometimes disagree with because I did not want to be mislead because there is much misleading going on depending on your priest/pastor.

            So for now I pray on my own and read and study on my own.  At the end of the day it is a personal journey.  If it was supposed to be a collective one we probably would not have free will.

            I do want to go back to Church however but I might find something small as I hate crowds of people.  And I don’t go to Church to meet ladies either and I have been single for as long as you maybe longer although I do think you chance of success is better at Church than a bar obviously but it is not a guarantee.   At this point I will probably die single.  At this age everyone is broken.

            My advice to you would be to seek God because clearly he is calling you but that calling does not require conformity to Earthly things but only to his will.

            • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Vknid.

            Can really relate to not being able to fit in to the group thing. There was a time when I was totally down and totally ready and my fellow peers were not, and this was even in the institution. Here’s a question though, if Asbury Revival was in your state, would you go? Just to check it out?
            Church music is totally amazing. Makes me wonder how many metalheads were recruited as worship leaders because the churches need those and there are just so many opportunities. I wanted to fit in to the group thing, but what I noticed, especially in the secular public group settings, was the gaslighting propaganda political talking points. I am so gullible that I didn’t know that was a technique for peer pressure crowd control of manufactured consent. They were doing it long before the concept was known. They get everyone hyped up and cheering and then, introduce selfish ideas. I’m not referring to church but to rallies for business and community and stuff like that.

            At one time, I really thought Sammy Hagar was going to be a gospel singer. A lot of his songs has love imagery and you could sense that he might come out as a Christian, but that never happened. I do like that one song that starts out with a lyric line of repentance and is about his spiritual journey.

            Oh, forgive me father, for I have sinned
            I’ve been through hell and back again
            I shook hands with the devil
            Looked ‘im in the eye
            Looked like a long lost friend

            Oh, anything you want, any dirty deeds
            He’s got everything ‘cept what I really need

            Keepin’ me temporarily satisfied
            But not one thing I’ve tried
            Filled me up inside

            We see a man speakin’ the word of God
            Provin’ to be a fraud, his own church applauds
            Stop lookin’ out, start lookin’ in
            Be your own best friend

            Audie got me looking into it. I heard about it, but never got around to it and feels like I missed out, like I was not aware of what was going on. That Asbury Revival was huge. It was a very significant event. I am going over a lot of videos now.

            One positive thing about missing it, is that I can go back and view a lot of highlights. It makes sense to me that it may or may not have been a revival, but what it really shows is that what if there was an opportunity for people to worship 24/7? Also, just not that how did it end? Didn’t they shut it down because it was getting too big? It’s not like people stopped going. I think they thought it was getting out of hand? If so, that is something remarkable. Instead of toning it down, I’d like to see them turn it up. See where it goes.


            @Vknid  : Ya man, the group mentality always has leaders and more often than not, always has corruption and falseness. It’s another reason I am not into church, especially now days. There is SOOOO much misinformation in many churches now. There is WOKE churches for crying out loud. That makes my head hurt even trying to fathom that, but the bible says that kind of thing will happen.

            I had a g/f for one month nearly 8 years ago, and it was a horrible experience. Before that I was single for 6-7 years, and that was only a few online relationships that went nowhere. So, in reality, I have had an actual in the flesh g/f for one month out of the past 16 years. lol. I have pretty much given up on the whole thing that this point. And no, I’m not some 500lb ugly dude, I ride a bicycle to stay in half way decent shape and look 10+ years younger than I am. Just the entire process of “dating” and the way people and things are now days….just doesn’t interest me, especially at my age.

            : No, I wouldn’t go to a revival. I have never wanted to fit in, and I mean never. Even as a kid. I never fell for pure pressure, even when I was in bands, because I didn’t care about fitting in. In fact, I would get quite upset if someone tried to push me into something. I’ve always been a loner who observes the sheep. I always have the odd point of view and the one who has the most “controversial” ideas. Not on purpose, it’s just me. I do weird things that confuses other people. lol. I am just an abnormal person and always have been.

            It’s funny you should quote those Van Halen lyrics, because that album came out (OU812) when I was in High School and I still have the cassette. lol.



              Yeah I am with you. I was married for several years and had a couple of short dating stints after and that’s it in about in about 13 years.  I don’t consider myself a “hideous chud” (movie reference) but I am pretty short and while that does not bug me it does seem enough to keep most ladies uninterested unless they are themselves super short and that’s rare. So I am about done with it at this point.


              Endorphins. Someone told me that the emotions thing is an endorphin rush, so they got hooked on the endorphins. It’s like a runner’s high. The emotions, endorphins and adrenaline play a factor. Makes one wonder how many end up basically emotional wrecks from getting bio-chemically addicted to all that love and light.

              It’s actually entertainment to me to watch them though. I like the soft voices. For years, I’d hear people mock and laugh at the Christians, but what’s weird is that I’m going over some of the material and realize that I know a lot of the songs and just how many anthems have come out just in the last two decades? The music they put out really reached me. It’s one thing they really got going on. Just so many great songs over the years. Makes me laugh because many times I’d tune in just for a chuckle and be like, oh wow, let’s see what the freaks are up to. So many times, I was like, yo, this is really good.


              There have been times I’ve thought of myself as a “Christian mongrel”. I’m a Christian, my core beliefs are orthodox, but on some secondary issues I tend to not fit in to any one class of churches.

              There was a time I went to some charismatic church, and it wasn’t all bad, but I could never get into the strongly emotional parts of what they did. In more recent years, I’ve been influenced by some Reformed and Lutheran people, and I think I’ve learned a lot from them, but even with them I don’t quite fit in. I currently attend a church that’s a small-town version of a mega-church. The pastor can preach decent sermons, the music is ok but they could tone the volume down a bit, but the songs they choose to sing are too often atrocious, and overall it feels too much like a show than a church.

              So, my connect with church is, well, problematic.

              Still, church is important, I know. The church is in some sense Christ’s body on earth, it is or should be a gathering of believers to learn and to help each other. There may be other aspects, but those are some important ones.

              Of course, the church is far from perfect, and the people in any church are far from perfect. We should be careful of using such thinking as an excuse for the church to flounder in mediocrity, or worse to cover or excuse some very bad behaviors, but it is still wise to remember that even the best of Christians is still a sinner who has been saved by God’s grace.

              Well, I say that, but I still have to live with the difficulties, too. Not having a church where I “fit in” all that well is a problem.  I have no easy-to-follow advice, sometimes you just got to grit and bear it.

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