Revival or Repentance?

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      This is essentially how I feel.  I too have tried different denominations but I always end up coming back to Catholic.  To me it makes the most sense from a logical perspective. But I do not care for the Pope for the most part and sometimes the Catholic Church can be very imperfect so to speak.  But I guess that is going to be the case for anything compromised of imperfect beings.

      It’s not that I don’t listen to others about God, in fact there is a bevy of info I take in from different sources and on a daily basis.  Many of those are actually Catholic sources and some are not but I like being able to choose where I get to learn from vs. rolling up to my local parish and getting whomever they decide.

      There is something in me that very much fears being lead astray by Priests or Pastors who are “of this world”.


      That term, Christian Mongrel, is a good one. They say that old religion and science have changed from what they once were, so yes, an imperfect church and one must grin and bear it is a good outlook. Baptists and Lutherans were two I left out on accident and they are significant and influential. Baptists went to the Gulag under Soviet rule if they did not wear a certain patch of Lenin, I think. Also, you wonder how much social justice came from the religious right since it is something that is there.

      The Asbury footage is good because just the organic voices of the people is better than produced music and they really don’t need anything more. This thread was kind of the trifect. I missed the original live event, but saw the movie Jesus Revolution, so this thread kind of let me know I was not alone in wondering if something was afoot. I would have just been left wondering, but after the tranny shooting, whatever is really going on there, there is no doubt that the revival was something real. Hard for me to tell though if they are trying to kind of herd people into boxes or groups, but I think church is a good place to be, even if I don’t go. I really enjoy watching the footage of believers now more than sports and entertainment. They way they come off makes an observer want to just worship and praise almost like a person who wants to play a sport or a role.

      Live Not by Lies A Manual for Christian Dissidents




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