We Will Never Forget About You Aunt Jemima

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  • #165773

    Ah, typical Twitterhead. Should have known.


    Twitter, me.  Yeah that is me.

    I have something for you in MY OTHER pocket guy.

    Removed Photo For reasons of understanding.



    I hope you have a great day!




    Pretty lame. But you’re kind of blabbering that you’re an elder, so it’s OK, I’ll let this one slide.



    It would most likely be for the best.  As I am not sure why you have to come at me with such a passive aggressive question, “What commies have to do with it?”

    These people are in our country right now and what nothing else but to watch our way of life change and see our cities burn.  You are in a thread about a damn maple syrup label being considered a problem for these people when it has nothing to do about their feelings, it is about control.

    The left and their little flunkies have been able to push folks like me off Twitter, off You Tube, Off Face book.  And you ask what commies?

    I am pretty tired of falling back and falling back.  This website is pretty much my last stand.

    I will do my best to adhere to the rule book, but damn.  I won’t be bullied or pushed around.

    You know what commies.  Have you read the thread here?

    Whats your deal?


    The radical lefts are responsible for all that fuss.

    The communist ideology stresses that all people must be equal – well, equally miserable. So SJW agenda is not on their list – men, women, white, colored, cripple, gay, straight – doesn’t matter, go work at the factory or on a farm as everyone.

    Don’t mix those two together, they’re different types of evil.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Mel.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Mel.


      Think about all the white people who have had to suffer in silence as tens of thousands of baseball fans sang out the hurtful lyrics ‘Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks’…



      babylon bee w


      You should have been much more clear about your personal stance on here.  We are in a culture War and I am on the War Path here.  When someone hits me with a one line snarky comment like you did I will treat you like I do the people who have constantly attacked me and gotten away with picking a fight and when I defend myself I get the burn.

      It is tiresome.  I am all about having a conversation and listening to another side and ideas.  But these things are dangerous and it is tearing our country apart.  Those people stop listening a long time ago.  So I won’t waste any time going into a defense posture.

      I’ve always been the front line and the one to speak out directly.  And I am always the one who takes the hits for the guys who just want to light step around because they have 10K + followers and don’t want to lose their viewer count.

      Next time you see me on here and you want to counter what I say.  Give me a valid reason or your opinion and not some single line like you did.  Otherwise you tend to find people think you are hostile to them.

      Being able to clear it up I can see you’re not one of them.

      But you gave me the impression you where by lack of any context to what you were talking about Mel.


      That is why you fail.

      SJWs are commies. They love nothing but destroying the American way of life. These are the results of the agents that the Kremlin sent here 50 years ago to fuck us over.

      They infiltrated academia, the entertainment industry, Congress. Now that they are in control of everything they are reaching their endgame.


        It wasn’t a “one line snarky comment”.

        It was a fairly benign question, to which you responded with “…MIDDLE FINGER…”

        No one is attacking you here.


        Don’t tell Spider-man…it’s like opening the wound again.


        I see your point.

        Yet it was not a comment to undermine your stance, but to clarify your use of the world “commies”.

        For instance, we can’t take a “pocket thief” and call him a “scammer”, even both of them are criminals.


        Well, you’re wrong.

        Firstly, the goal of the Soviet Union was not to destroy the American way of life, but to make everyone “Soviet” (in the beginning), and then to hold their ground (later in the Cold War). At first they believed that there will be a global revolution of working class, as a logical conclusion of capitalism.

        Secondly, SJW ideology was mutated in socialists’ minds, but there were own US socialists, taking their roots at hippie movement. They have nothing to do with the USSR and may as well hate Soviet communism, which made everything dull and boring.

        And finally, communism is not a Russian invention. It came from Europe.

        Know your history.


        This is how I make friends sometimes Wu BeeBee

        If you can get into an argument with someone and come to an understanding down the road this means something to me.

        Half of my RL friends are dudes I got into fist fights with and ended up having a beer with hours later.

        It’s cool.



        I see your point too!

        Now how about a beer?


        Myself and many other people tend to use the word commie because these kids are running around with China Flags and yelling Comrade and handing out their rules for radicals.

        These people wish they had half the grit of the real commies of the past.  These kids are playing a game they do not understand.

        While in a technical sense these kids couldn’t be considered real Commies in the term you are using.  Soy boys, commies, SJW.  I use to explain these people.


        Just like they call use bigots racists and all other ists.  When we are not any of those things.

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