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Good news, Youngrippa is making his own shared universe.
Very cool. Good news, looking forward to this.
Once again, good writing from Mr. Gherzo on a hot topic. The thing I like most about this is just to see was a person can do with funding. Eric mentioned film as well. July also knows how to poach talent. Wait until he recruits top notch fan film directors. Opportunities are there for people, but raising money might be the hardest part. Once Rippaverse really takes off, the thing that will amuse me the most is that, for all the big money in corporate media, they didn’t make a difference for more people. I think Rippa will do that with his writers, artists, directors and producers.
Who is going to get the crossover fanbase? Gina Carano. She strikes me was someone who cares about the fans. She’s the biggest draw at the conventions. The CosPlay fans love her. GandG, FNT and Nerdrotic already know how to do fan tours and throw events. What will Hollywood do when RippaCon is bigger than ComicCon?
I work nights. The site went live literally right when I get off work at 06:30am. So, I had to rush home and after some multiple clicks, since they were having server issues, which is understandable, I got the YAIRA Pack with the Yaria poster. Glad to support this and the non-woke cause.
Disney/Marvel get NONE of my money!!!! NONE!
Very happy to see the success. Great month for indie comics and Comics Gate. The mainstream got hijacked, so now it’s up to us to create the good entertainment that we had back in the day. That back to the “essence” Eric talks about.
So yeah, support this and all the great indie projects out there. “We will win”.
This has been great to witness! I got my preorder in and am a proud supporter of Rippa. This gets me pumped to release my own work and proves people are looking for old school escapism. I hope this makes other creators just put their work out there. @Hazu is right, we are going to win.
I put in an order and I do not even read comics. Although I will give this one a try. But I just wanted to support something new and innovative.
My favorite part of Isom is his package.
On Fox
PayPal does not want to give Eric July the money people used to pre-order this. He said around 30% order via PayPal:
They sure don’t want independent comics to be successful.
I paid via Paypal. If they do not release the funds to him I will be cancelling my very old PayPal account.
It is not up to PayPal to decide where my money goes, I decide that.
My dad has had problems with PayPal for years but for different reasons. I don’t think he’s used it in years as a result. Shame on them for what they’re doing to Rippa!
Wow, contacting PayPal directly is nearly impossible. They essentially make it VERY difficult to get to them. There is no chat, no email, no form to fill out. ALL you can do is call them via a code they give to you ONLY if you are logged in with a PayPal account. F’ing ridiculous.