Rockstar, Red Dead and low effort garbage games

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      I am sure by now you all know Rockstar is essentially just porting Red Dead 1 to essentially older consoles as is.  Meaning, to my understanding, that this is not a remaster or even an upscale.  It’s just a port to consoles it was not on before due to it’s age.  I think they even left out the PS5 (and PC) interestingly enough and they removed the multiplayer.  So for the same game minus part of what it was, you get to pay $50.  That’s not even highway robbery.  That’s like being robbed, raped and then the robber forces you to take him to a nice dinner and then drive him home.

      One HAS to ask why does this happen and over and over again?

      Well, we only have ourselves to blame really. If a company puts out effortless garbage in an obvious cash grab and folks buy it, even a modicum of success, will encourage more of such “efforts”.  Things like this take little to no investment in money or time to put out.  So if they spent next to nothing to generate it and it makes 10 million dollars, (random number for example) then it’s worth it in their minds even if their is some grumbling.

      There is but one way out this of these low effort garbage games.  STOP BUYING THEM.  When they make no cash they will naturally adjust and put out something worth actual consideration because they will HAVE to.

      • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Vknid.

      If people stopped buying it, then they would stop releasing it. The majority of everything now days boils down to money. Look at what is happening to Hollywood, Actors, Writers, and Disney. The money is failing because the product has gone downhill, as well as all the Wokeness that people are more and more tired of, and the people have spoken with their wallet. But, the people haven’t quite spoken enough.


        ” But, the people haven’t quite spoken enough.”



        So I’m on the fence here, on one hand they kept the game as it’s original self minus multiple, not a big deal and on the other hand it’s $50.

        I honestly don’t mind the low effort re-release because that means it keeps it’s same gameplay as the original with all DLC, but that’s also not worth $50 either when I can probably buy this game for one of my older consoles and call it a day.

        You both gotta admit that their GTA remastered trilogy was some dog shit. I actually went out of my way to buy the original Xbox San Andreas to preserve an original copy for some original gaming.

        So really what it comes down to for me is that if they made it more affordable, I wouldn’t mind it.

        Definitely not gonna buy it though. I got better games to spend my money on.

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