Rowling Row: Billboard Edition

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    I’m of two minds on the whole Rowling/trans flap. On the one hand I completely agree with JK and find the backlash against her ridiculous. However, as she was an SJW early adopter in her own right, I see this as her now being attacked by a monster she helped create, which is satisfying in a way. As for the whole Billboard thing (in Vancouver), I understand the company took the sign down after a single complaint. That alone (if true), is patently ridiculous. Just wondering what others think of the matter…


    Couldn’t have happened to a nicer SJW. You choose to pander to the mob, just don’t be surprised when it turns on you.

    While I’m not into cancel culture, I am all for letting the monster devour itself. 3d38d3f77fa645708da75aa57bd7970a


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I’m the same on cancel culture. I don’t have a problem with people having different viewpoints and sharing them. I’m all about the dialectic. But the goal of trying to destroy people for said opinions is inane and childish. And like you said, play that game and someone’s going to come gunning for you eventually.</p>

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