Ryan & Lightning should have recused themselves from the stream

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions Ryan & Lightning should have recused themselves from the stream

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    Apparently you think not defending people and acting like a cucked bitch is “being professional”.


    What happened happened and it’s in the past already, we should move on and hope that the G&G community won’t make the same mistakes again.

    POCPreserverofCulture might sound a little too aggressive and exaggerated, but he has a point. And to be honest, I don’t quite understand why some people from the G&G, after everything that happened, still retweet and like posts of Zack Snyder and send little hearts, etc… lol wtf… but well, I guess we think different.


      ZS is a POS in my book, I do not care about why he said it, he did and has still not come out to apologize and clarify, that leaves me to believe he meant what he said.

      I can promise I would not “like or share” any thing from him. I’m not on twatter but still wouldnt, Hero Worship is blinding some people I think. I get that part of their job is to report on Him and the Movie but yes ive seen some of what you have said on SM and shook my head and said Hero Worship.

      But to kill the Charity in any way until it was over would defeat the purpose which was “to raise money to save lives” they still raised money after and each dollar helps save a life.


      > And to be honest, I don’t quite understand why some people from the G&G, after everything that happened, still retweet and like posts of Zack Snyder and send little hearts

      They probably think ZS is going to come around and apologise for what he did. And those people are idiots.

      > But to kill the Charity in any way until it was over would defeat the purpose which was “to raise money to save lives” they still raised money after and each dollar helps save a life.

      How fucking retarded are you that you don’t understand this? It was ZS who killed the charity, immediately when he entered the stream. No one else.
      Defending yourself from slander, and defending fans from being linked to murder would not have killed the charity.
      Neither would recusing yourself from the stream if you disagreed with what ZS had to say. Recuse yourself, wait til the stream is done, then make a video blasting ZS for what he said and defending the fans. No one did any of that. Everyone from G&G came across as massive hypocrites and cowards.

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