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This is a great channel I watch from time to time. Lots of folks do stories of San Francisco to point out the insanity or laugh at the bad things going on. This channel holds interviews with people in the know and drills down to what’s going on and why.
I find such things very relevant because California and especially San Francisco are the incubator for radical leftist policies that are being tested and tooled to be sent around the country.
In this episode they interview a woman whom lived, worked and raised her children (until recently) in San Francisco since 1999. I urge everyone to listen to how she describes the city, the words she uses and what she compares it too. This is especially stark given her political position which she describes as “left of center”.
The most stunning thing in my mind is when she describes San Francisco as “a place of aggressive conformity”.
The short answer is yes. As goes California, so goes the country.
“The short answer is yes. As goes California, so goes the country.”
Just because something has been a certain way does not mean it cannot change. To think that is a defeatist attitude.
Defeatism would imply I had a stake in this fight. I do not. Who wins is irrelevant to me.
If the right takes over the country, I will be happy, because I hate the left. If the left wins, I will be happy, because then America’s doom is ensured.
Either way I win :D The only question is how long that will take.
“Defeatism would imply I had a stake in this fight. I do not. Who wins is irrelevant to me.
If the right takes over the country, I will be happy, because I hate the left. If the left wins, I will be happy, because then America’s doom is ensured.”
It seems to me given this statement and the countless similar conversations we have had that you are pretty invested in the situation. Now whether have a stake in it, if the USA is entirely taken over by the authoritarian left I promise you that is something the entire world will feel in a very negative way and has already begun too.
I think there are more than 2 possible outcomes to this as its no longer even aligned right vs left anymore. Sure, the leftists couch it like that so that they can feign having a target to attack, but at the end of the day it’s the radical left and everyone else. The right does not need to win, the left just needs to lose.
I like those Then vs Now photos and the photo below is San Francisco.
To think that they will be satisfied with one city or one country is short-sighted. They are called “globalists” for a reason. Their goals are global.
Of course, it will fail, and be a disaster. It cannot be anything else.
And it will fail because they reckon without their Creator. They cannot see their God rightly, so they cannot see themselves rightly, and it might be said that many of them take the laughably silly view that they themselves are somehow god.
“Now whether have a stake in it, if the USA is entirely taken over by the authoritarian left I promise you that is something the entire world will feel in a very negative way and has already begun too.”
Absolutely, it would plunge the world into even greater darkness and likely a world war. However, the left would go through with white genocide and anti-meritocratic policies that would eventually degenerate the US to the point where it would become a complete 3rd world shithole. A trend that has already bercome visible in major cities. And I think this decay would go faster than they could conquer the world.
“The right does not need to win, the left just needs to lose.”
My point exactly. And yes, you’re right, I shouldn’t have said “the right”, rather than everyone else. That’s what it’s really about. The left vs everyone.
“Absolutely, it would plunge the world into even greater darkness and likely a world war. However, the left would go through with white genocide and anti-meritocratic policies that would eventually degenerate the US to the point where it would become a complete 3rd world shithole.”
I honestly think that is the short to medium term goal. Why? Control. If you have a society that is starving, scared and barely getting by you can throw them a few scraps and get them to do almost anything. However, in those cases it seems control can be held for a period of time but eventually it is lost via revolution so I am not sure what they are planning for that but I do believe they would use the military in such an event. But if we use China as an example, it appears you can control a population pretty well if you rule it with an iron fist and you give them a taste of comfort, but not too much because then they will get uppity and expect a middle class.