Sarkeesian anti-6th amendment?

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    In this twatter thread I found something disturbing. In this post she seems to be saying if you are going to accuse someone you should first do your best to hide your online presence. For those that don’t know Jennifer Scheurle is supposedly the Justin Beiber accuser.

    Sarkesean (2)

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Battlehymn63.

      No, this won’t interfere with the right of a defender to know who their accusers are and the nature of the charges and evidence; this advice is about protecting privacy from the general public.

      I honestly think accusers should already know to do that; it’s common sense to delete all social media content, maybe even deactivate accounts. If the people-finder sites have one’s correct phone number, employer, and home address, seek professional help clearing it.

      There is nothing wrong with protecting one’s privacy online;  I support it 100%.


      They better hope no one archived their tweets. I’m not surprised to see Anita help liars and criminals knowing she’s a con artist if not a criminal.


      Honestly I’m amazed people and even companies give this scammer and dummy that is Anita so much credit.

      She scammed folks with a kickstarter.

      She spreads hysteria and nonsense about so called equality.

      Every game she was hired as consultant for “representation”… they all failed…

      Seems the US promotes mediocrity and stupidity.


        I don’t give her any credit.  I just support privacy.

        Speaking for myself, if I was ever a victim, I would delete my online presence before filing charges, to protect my family from prying eyes.  It’s common sense, which I’ve noticed many of these accusers seem to lack; apparently Anita S. has noticed it too.


          I hate these people so much.


          I am not american, 6th amendment is the law that allow everyone to defend himself and such having a weapon ?


            The 6th Amendment to the US Constitution protects these rights of a defendant:

            • the right to a public trial without unnecessary delay,
            • the right to a lawyer,
            • the right to an impartial jury,
            • the right to know who your accusers are
            • the right to know the nature of the charges and evidence against you.

            Keep in mind these rights are for the defendant, not the general public.


            While my original post does contain a bit of hyperbole, what AS seems to be saying here is “cast your accusations into the public from a place of obscurity” … at no point does she advocate for truth or filling any kind of formal legal complaint. My guess is likely because such things require proof.


            No not quite it is the basis of being able to face your accuser in the court of law and to demand a trial by jury if needed. Self defense is the 2nd amendment.

            In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.


            Yet here is the rub; once these Twatteratti bitches lay out their false accusations on twatter there is no possibility for a true impartial jury. That is the reason they do it.


              The innocent party should indeed file a formal legal complaint.  Too often, they don’t.  I doubt a legal team will have difficulty finding Scheurle to deliver a “cease and desist” order, or to deliver a subpoena if defamation charges are filed.

              However, I suspect for at least some of the accusers like Scheurle, hiding their online presence conflicts with their motivations.


              Oh ok, thank you !


              Anita is more like Anti-Every Ammendment


                I don’t know about that, MrDragonbane.  Look at the responses here.  Not one person responding in this thread here seems to support Ms. Scheurle.  The person accusing Angry Joe has received at least as much backlash as support.

                A lot of people don’t use Twitter at all. I’m a relatively passive user on Twitter myself, and I’m personally not familiar with the details about Ms. Scheurle’s accusations.  I think an impartial jury would be possible in her case.

                Beiber has filed a $20 million lawsuit against two accusers, naming the applicable Twitter handles (which don’t include the Twitter handle shown in the photo above).


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