School where Students using “USA are my Pronouns” want a DEI Crackdown on them

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    ‘USA Are My Pronouns’: Students Tear Down Pride Banners At Middle School. Liberals Now Want A DEI Crackdown

    Students at a Massachusetts middle school showed their opposition to Pride month celebrations by tearing down banners and wearing patriotic clothing…

    Isn’t activism one of the things the schools want their students to do?

    School Principal Cari Perchase complained about the student’s behavior in a letter.

    “I fully respect that our diverse community has diverse opinions and beliefs. I also respect individuals’ right to express their opinions through clothing choices and freedom of speech,” she said. “When one individual or group of individuals’ beliefs and actions result in the demeaning of another individual or group, it is completely unacceptable.”

    Like calling those who do not bend the knee and fully embrace pride indoctrination as bigots, -ists and phobes?

    “…Schools are supposed to be a safe place for ALL students and faculty. Some community members’ actions created an unsafe environment for many of our students, caregivers, and faculty.”

    Except those whose religious and personal beliefs goes against your agenda.  Then their feelings of unsafe and hostile environment is justified?

    To make up for their actions, Perchase said a program should be set up to teach kids about, “tolerance, acceptance, and respect.” She also proposed introducing an anonymous form for students to report any hateful conduct they experience.

    But only one-sided, most likely.

    “tolerance, acceptance, and respect” for the extremely toxic far alt-left ideology indoctrination.  Anything less will not be allowed.

    And the school wants a DEI director (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) so that no division of thought is allowed, no equality between those opposed to the extremely toxic far alt-left ideology, and for the inclusion/indoctrination to join their cult NPC mentality.


      I have said this many times, but demanding tolerance and acceptance while not extending the same in return is disingenuous and is just someone trying to push an agenda.

      “When the government’s boot is on your throat, whether it is a left boot or a right boot is of no consequence.”― Gary Lloyd


      Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 10-15-22 f296a54f630c6dac.png (PNG Image 568 × 556 pixels)


      This reminds me of the time where my school put up a bunch of transgender stuff on the cafeteria bulletin board and it got torn down. I was applying for colleges at the time so I wasn’t affected by it. It’s not the first time my high school had pushed leftest stuff either in a community that has about a 50/50 split. This was 5 years ago, so who knows what changed since I left.


      Pretty sure if this happened when I was at secondary school we’d also be laughing at this. The boys especially would be laughing. You did something stupid the boys wouldn’t let you forget it in a hurry. Never liked them back then since I got bullied by some of them (not for doing something stupid btw) but I’ve respect as to what they’d probably think of this crap now.


      I just heard, part of the reason for the protest against this extremely toxic far alt-left ideology was because the school refused to acknowledge/respect for Memorial Day but wanted to FORCE students to show their loyalty/support for the EROs/pride for not their country/people who serve/died for their rights and freedoms, but for what should be a private matter (what you do in the privacy of your own home…)

      Isn’t it amazing (and not surprising) that the legacy media conveniently omitted the FACTS.

      If the school/teachers does not have the “tolerance, acceptance, and respect” for Memorial Day/veterans/the nation, what does that tell you?


      Tearing down rainbow flags is no different from tearing down anti-abortion info stands.

      Neither should be pushed by schools though or given a platform. School should only be about learning, nothing else.


      Sadly, schools are no longer teaching, but are indoctrinating.

      Critical thinking is no longer being taught, instead they are being told WHAT to THINK, not HOW to THINK.  A generation of NPC/activists.

      There is a difference between wanting to SHARE information and those blindly attacking because of wrong think.

      The NPC’s attacking those pro-life info stands is wrong – criminal, intimidations, etc.

      Students protesting the forced “you MUST worship the cult of pride” is IMO justified.


      That’s why it’s important for parents to inculcate proper values in their children so that they can navigate all the craziness that’s out there.


      I also believe that the only flags present in American schools should be the American flag, with the only exception being foreign language classrooms.


        “That’s why it’s important for parents to inculcate proper values in their children so that they can navigate all the craziness that’s out there.”

        This helps but it is not at all a guarantee.

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