Seems I Leveled Up Again Pissing Off SJWs

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube Seems I Leveled Up Again Pissing Off SJWs

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    In my latest video covering the immeasurably stupid Bad Batch whitewashing shit, some SJW has found their way there and called me…

    ….a homophobe!

    I’ve leveled up again in pissing them off when one decides to call me a homophobe and that subject matter of homosexuality never even comes up in the video.

    First a couple of Brie Bots puke in my comments on a video yesterday, which I expected, and now I’m called a homophobe for apparently using the word SJW in 2021.

    God they’re stupid and hilariously predictable.


      Saw it, almost started playing with them, then got sidetracked when my Sonar lit up with a bush full of slab crappie…. Now I have something to do tonight though :)



      Heh. I honestly have never been called a homophobe in my life. I had to start a YouTube channel and talk about a Star Wars cartoon to get called it. Go figure.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Roas.

        :) I’m an evil little man…… enjoy


        :) I’m an evil little man…… enjoy


        That was brilliant!


          Bidwell needs to learn how to feed trolls better, though im not sure its not a bot, normally a troll replies fast



          @Mustangride1 I’m actually pretty decent at making SJWs spin, it requires a bit of patience some times. I usually like to start by playing dumb 🙃


          @Roas you’ve never been called a homophobe because you’re not a homophobe. I just don’t get why they decided to say that.


            Oh that one looks like a Bot, but I as well was trolling, your saying you were kinda blew it for us both. But no biggy, Adam seems to found the nitch for baiting trolls. We can have some fun. :)


            @Mustangride1 yeah, the Brie are the best though. I think you might be right, this one might be a bot.


            If I ever get to a point where I make merch, I’m going to have  a shirt that says “SJWs I don’t care what you think” with two middle fingers.

            And yeah, my strategy is to piss them off, say I don’t care, piss them off more, and as you guys and others start to populate my comments let you all have fun with them.


              Problem is I seldom pull out that account, Normally im on my Tranquil one but when I see chew toys I gotta bring out that one… Beleive it or not that name has been on the Net since 1989.  AOLPAYTOPLAY days lol


                CHEW TOY TIME. Itssss backkkk


                Oh man, that is some serious word salad from that dude.

                Also, looks like YT is screwing with the Likes Dislikes. By my last count it was an even split.


                  Yup your being ratioed by Youtube it was 4/3 last i checked now its 1/2.

                  Word Salad? LMAO that is pure jibberish to hit all the SJW Buzzwords so it pops up in search engines. Im already bored with this Troll. Well BOT my original instinct and based on its replies im still going with Bot.

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