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There are many tenants of modern culture that I think are destructive to people and society. But this one I have heard mentioned lightly but never spoken about as a topic of it’s own. The questioning of the whole “body positivity” movement comes close.
Now I as a man have a masculine angle on this and I acknowledge a female angle might be quite different and I accept that but I can only speak about the lens I see through.
Self-love is a garbage term that means almost nothing but to infer that you should unconditionally accept yourself and adore and possibly worship yourself.
Humans are never perfect and we exist in a life long struggle with our vices, predilections and bad habits. To love yourself as is, is essentially to give up self improvement and this is very destructive as you sabotage your own potential and stunt your personal evolution.
Furthermore, if one is self worshipping or overly self involved that makes you functionally a narcissist. Such behavior is harmful to your relationships and any persons within your personal orbit. This is a recipe for long term self failure and desperate sadness.
My counterpoint is that one should not self love but you should accept yourself for who you are. You self inspect, you take a personal inventory and accept your virtues and faults. You then utilize/maximize your virtues and work on your faults.
This is how you win personally and your personal win is also a win for society.
Truer words have never been spoken. I agree, love yourself and work on yourself, but we aren’t perfect. If we were perfect, we could never make mistakes, but we do, that’s how humanity exists. I find our lives are most meaningful because we have faults and we make mistakes.
Self-Love should only extend out to appreciate ourselves, but living for only yourself is meaningless and selfish. Recent obsession with only yourself has become a disease that leftism is messaging into our society. Music preaching self love over the love of others, movies and shows preaching about “choosing me” over others. it’s an ongoing pandemic of the mind.
I feel like we are bordering on the conversation of people need to start families and have kid, am I wrong? Because it sounds like that is part of this conversation. Obviously we wouldn’t trust unhinged leftists to have kids, but part of the conversation to admit our faults, know our limits, and improve our lives, i think kids become part of that conversation.
I don’t know, am I on the same page with you?
“I feel like we are bordering on the conversation of people need to start families and have kid, am I wrong?”
It depends on how you couch that. I would say it like this and I find it more accurate because it breaks down that thought process and explains it.
To live life solely for yourself is to live a life of little purpose and therefore misery as you increasingly move from one temporary pleasure to another, never being fulfilled and not realizing that actual contentment happens not through frequent episodes of pleasure but through the effort of cultivating relationships and family.
Do people have to have families/children to be content? No. But a relationship with God and or children/family is how most people get to that point.
Most everyone in the world is born with a thirst for something bigger than themselves. I believe that is a God given thirst for taking care of others and so we seek him but without removing free will and while you can attempt to satisfy that thirst with anything you wish there is no doubt that some things are fulfilling while others are not even thought they might feel good initially.