Selling accessories Early: The red herring of Starfield Wokeness

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    Did anyone else notice how Starfield sold it’s accessories Early before the game came out? I know a lot of times this is done to drive up hype and sales for the game, but the more I look at the backlash too, I have considered there was also another reason behind it: Sell the merch early before the backlash.

    I’m sure Bethesda was no stranger to the gamers who do not like games that are unfinished and the non-woke/anti-woke gamers who are sick and tired of agenda pushing, so it stands for me to believe that between these two big issues with the game, there mustve been an expectation of backlash resulting in games being returned or games not even being played, but also it was mitigated to a degree because the requirements to return headsets and controllers would have already passed.


    Was this their plan all along? Make a half-assed, woke game and sell merch early? The more I see how lazy, woke companies like Bethesda operates, the less I’m surprised by the sale tactics they’ll use to push games out.

    Was the merch sold early just to drive up hype? I doubt it. They knew the game was not complete and they knew pushing identity politics would give them backlash. Two factors, not just one to the reason why they were selling merch early.

    Well I’m happy to say Bethesda went woke, let’s hope they go broke.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Salvince.

    I don’t know if it is them trying to get as much money before the backlash, or if it is now becoming standard for games to offer add-ons for a price.

    A DLC (for extra missions) I can understand if they charge for it or not.

    But to pay for special mods, skins, weapons, classes, points, etc.  NOPE.



    Oh these aren’t even about add ones, like starfield has a controller from Xbox and a special headset for sale before game launches. If I bought one of those controllers, id have a special edition controller to a game I don’t even like.

    It’s just annoying that this extra hardware came out and people who bought the product hated the game.

    Add-ons are also a consideration too of course.

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