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    Disney ABANDONS Shang-Chi After FLOP Predicted! Merchandise Already On Clearance!


    Disney has a borderline monopoly on all movies. Yes, if it’s too much hassle, I will never go back to theater. Top movies are not even making money. They thought Shang-Chi would be like Black Panther? That would have been a good attempt, but it does not look like the effort is there. The grit is missing from these Disney productions. Again, I think Perlmutter is missed. The Eternals is a very, very hard pass for me. I’ll never watch that one. I never ran into Iron Fist as a kid. Shang-Chi I think I saw one time in the comic shop and reminds me of Thunderbird from X-men. I like the concept of trying for the next Black Panther, but the effort does not look like it’s behind this movie. Moon Knight is another one that I am totally unaware of, growing up. I liked the latest Moon Knight appearance in Avengers, but the character was absent in my upbringing.

    Last thing, but Black Panther was a borderline Black EPIC, which was what blacks wanted. A historical piece that might work in the future for movies would be the life of Mansa Musa, who supposedly, was the richest man on earth at one time. How to write a script or screenplay about Mansa Musa, I do not know, but that would set up an EPIC to rival Rome or Egypt, only it would be the Mali Empire in Islamic West Africa.


    Simu Liu Adds To The Coming Damage Control With Shang-Chi Flop Looming

    What are your memories of Shang-Chi? I have NONE! The character I know is The Mandarin and I do not recognize this version of the character. The put Abomination in this movie? Why? That does not look good and a martial artists would stand NO chance against a Gamma radiated freak. You know who should have been put in this movie, along with Shang-Chi and the Mandarin? The answer is obvious: Olivia Munn as Psylocke should have been in the movie because that is what I remember was The Mandarin, Psylocke and The Hand Ninja Clan against Wolverine. I remember really enjoying that and Jim Lee was artist on that. Yeah, they screwed it all up.

    Shang Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings Gets 45 Day Theater Window! Disney Prepping For The Worst?

    OK. He covers the lawsuits by ScarJo and maybe, Emma Watson. If so, really, Shame on Disney for not standing up to the lockdowns and the masks. Disney could be heroes if they pointed out the obvious, that the government is KILLING business in the USA. If Disney can’t make money under theses Government conditions, then WHO CAN??? Shame on wimpy, weak Disney for not speaking truth to this inept administration.


    Shang Chi has such a minuscule entry in the Marvel Encyclopedia, its like they flipped to a random page and picked the person with the least amount of words on their bio. So as posed before, WHO ASKED FOR THIS MOVIE?!


    The newest Marvel cast member is the latest target of cancel culture after allegations of cultural appropriation surfaced online. On Twitter, many fans pointed out that the Awkwafina has been mocking black people and black culture in general for years through her comedic skits and has gotten away with it on multiple occasions. In particular, the actress’ use of “blaccent” in her skits and various movie roles is cited by fans as one of the many reasons why Awkwafina deserves to receive all the hate she could get. Check out some of the tweets below:

    This sucks and really isn’t fair. I remember Eddie Murphy using an Asian accent in one of his bits and it was funny AF. In fact, I love when entertainers do voices. Love when I hear accents and dialects. One of my favorites is EVS when he does his soy voice.


    Shang-Chi Lead Actor is ANGRY at Disney!
    Geeks + Gamers


    I hear its a triumph and emotionally complex.

    Or at least, those are the keywords they were given.


    Surprised that Asians care about this at all. If anything, entertainment is the great distraction. China already won the trade war and when someone brought up that Asians are discriminated against in college admissions, everybody in California laughed and asked if they’ve ever been to UCLA campus.

    Forget Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee! Marvel’s Shang-Chi actor says he’s the FIRST Asian hero ever!
    Actor Simu Liu who plays Marvel’s Shang Chi is on a role with his promotion of the movie! Now, he’s throwing legends like Jackie Chan and Jet Li under the bus!


    Shang Chi Is Cancelled…Again…This Movie Is A Disaster


    Simu Liu: “No Aspirational Asian Heroes”
    Just Some Guy


    “Does He Look Like He Can Fight?” Clip | Marvel Studios’ Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
    Marvel Entertainment


    Looks a lot like Mortal Kombat, so if you are a fan of Mortal Kombat or Power Rangers, this might be just something to zonk out to. The thing about anything woke is that it just seems like the media keeps pushing the replacement of Americans and I do not blame Americans one shred of a bit for being resentful. Wasn’t enough to off shore the factories, but then the media tries to flap it all in front of American faces. I don’t blame anyone for Public Enemy’s “Burn Hollywood Burn.”


    Save us China! Marvel boss BEGGING the CCP to let them release Shang-Chi!
    YellowFlash 2
    Marvel boss Kevin Feige is now begging China to get Shang-Chi released over there. The movie is having some issues passing their censorship programs.

    Someone said that Mulan bombed, too. The West is actually putting out so much effort for our new Chinese masters, but it’s almost like the chicoms are just taunting the west now. That whole eastern market access and making money was a lie for about twenty years. Even the trailers are unwatchable to Eternals. Fu Manchu Yellow Peril stereotype is tied to Shang Chi, so is this just a major cultural blunder? Did any Asian inform Marvel that this was a bad idea? Chinese don’t like it. Bent the knee to Nicki Minaj? Yuck. Minaj a perfect example of the downfall of black music. He says he looks forward to downfall of comic book movies. I don’t, but I am neutral. What I like are good movies and the topic or genre does not really matter. Just good movies. Just make a good movie.


    Shang Chi is Being Setup to Fail

    Bob Chapek has changed his mind. Despite the strong indications that Shang Chi would be pulled from theatrical distribution last week, Disney CEO Chapek went on the record at the 3RD quarter meeting, stating that Shang Chi will indeed be released “in theaters only.” Regardless of the fact that it is tracking to pull in an anemic box office haul of $35 to $55 million (and it’s not going to be $55 million).

    Chapek has described this launch as a “data point” but at $150 million it’s a damned expensive piece of market research. This film is also locked into a 45-day theatrical window. Disney is trying to pretend that this was their idea, but it was entirely the theater owners. They have plenty of reason to be mad at Disney. Consequently, Shang Chi gets six weeks in the theaters and not a day more.

    This is going to be right on the heels of two other bombs, Jungle Cruise and Black Widow. With one more bomb on the horizon, The Eternals.

    Why the kamikaze marketing plan?

    Again, this is a matter of internal studio politics at Disney. There have been a number of articles in the trade media voicing the complaints of “the creators” at Disney regarding Chapek’s drive for centralization. But who exactly are these “creators?” If you read between the lines you will realize, it’s not filmmakers, it is the heads of the various subdivisions. Iger divided his empire into fiefdoms and made very little effort at central control. That worked well enough when each subdivision was run by an irreplaceable man. The problem is that the irreplaceable men are all gone, and the subdivisions have all veered way off into Wokeland.

    The worst offender is the San Francisco-based Pixar. Once the Wokelings at Pixar succeeded in their coup against John Lasseter, they began to aggressively pursue their own fantasies. They seem to be even more upset at Chapek than Marvel is. The rumor is that Pixar employees have been trying to figure out some way to become an independent studio again. There is no way for them to do that, they are OWNED by Disney. That is how divorced from reality Pixar is at this point. I stand by my prediction that in five years, Pixar Studio will be shuttered and Renderman will likely be sold off to Apple.

    However, the biggest problem Chapek has at the moment is Marvel. I remain convinced that ScarJo was instigated into launching her lawsuit by Feige. It appears that Bryan Lourd didn’t make that phone call I talked about earlier. This means CAA has chosen to throw in its lot with Marvel against Chapek.

    The problem with Hollywood, in a nutshell, is that it is a world unto itself, but it thinks it’s the whole world. So far as the showbiz club is concerned, the known and powerful within their world, Kevin Feige is the stronger horse to bet on than this unknown accountant, Bob Chapek.

    They can’t look at the big picture and the big picture is that it’s the money that counts. And the moneymen like Chapek. He’s doing the things the institutional investors want done.

    Consequently, Chapek needs to severely damage Kevin Feige. So how best to do that?

    At the moment, that’s simple. Just let him follow his own plans without let or hindrance. Feige is a powerhouse because of his record for box office success. But you are only as good as your last movie. His last movie flopped. His next movie is going to belly flop, and nobody is excited about The Eternals. His TV projects haven’t done well up to this point and the future ones look just as dismal. He does have Doctor Strange coming out after The Eternals but the next three after that will be Love and Thunder, Wakanda Forever (without Black Panther), and The Marvels.

    Of Kevin Fiege’s next six Disney-owned Marvel releases, only one is of interest to general audiences and that is very dependent upon Doctor Strange being the star of his own movie and not the Scarlett Witch.

    Chapek appears to have decided that the easiest way to break Feige is to step aside and let Kevin throw himself down the stairs.




    Why oh WHY do the media keep FORGETTING about BLADE🤬????????? No; Black Panther WASN’T the first black superhero film from Marvel! If it wasn’t for Blade, they wouldn’t have their precious MCU that they’re currently peeing on right now! It really annoys me when people forget about Blade!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by DragonLady.

    @DragonLady don’t forget about Spawn. And Steel. And Meteor Man. All black superheroes that came before even Blade.

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