
Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Movies Shang-Chi

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  • #239188

    I’ve only read a handful of the What If line, and I gotta say that Wolverine 1 stuck with me how it ended. It was a damn good story.


    For fans of Dr. Strange. When I was growing up and into Comics, it was almost strictly X-Men for me. Mutants.

    “The Lost Books” Official Clip | Marvel Studios’ What If…? | Disney+
    Marvel Entertainment


    Shang-Chi Producer Explains Why Marvel Changed The Ten Rings Into Bracelets

    This is actually a good article. There is history in Kung Fu of metal bracelets on forearms. Not bad. They made the case well in the column.

    That being said, here is the latest clip. It looks terrible. The guy with the highlights is actually quite skilled athletically. Saw him at the premier doing flips and cartwheels and it was pretty good. It really does look cheesy like Rumble in The Bronx, but about 30 years out of date. I guess the ghetto streets are like that though, with the graffiti everywhere. It looks like a cartoon.


    Just waiting for DigiCat’s review. Midnight Edge Andre said It was a passable, setting aside the main actor virtual signaling for woke points.


    The world is waiting for DigiCat’s review.



    meanwhile, Nerdrotic:



    I just like saying Shang Chi and Ong Bak and Tae Bo because the sounds are funny to my ears and make me start chopping and kick the air.

    Interesting to see some of the posters before they knew what the movie was going to be. They changed the rings to avoid being like Thanos.






    Shang-Chi Early Box Office Numbers Are LOWER Than Black Widow

    Geeks + Gamers

    China is number 1. Top economy in the world.
    I expected the best Marvel movie ever made. THAT is what I expected.

    60 million is a great number. In fact, I think that was Campea’s target for success. Also, one thing I liked in terms of adding Asian characters, someone said that Master Wong from Doctor Strange was in this movie. See, that is a good move. Psylocke and Jubilee would’ve been good, too. The thing missing for me is the feel and the touch. I did not get a Martial Arts buzz from the trailers. One part I liked was when the Dad got all serious and mean with Shang-Chi because that’s the ruthless Chinese mindset I actually want to see with no BS.

    When there’s a Martial Arts movie, this is gonna sound stupid, but I want the real cultural appropriation experience. It needs to sound like Ching Chong silverware falling and make me wanna put on a silk shirt and start pretending to do Karate and Tai Chi like a zen master with full lotus pose and horse stance and use chopsticks. No BS. I want that Cosplay impulsion.

    I saw a great review but some black dudes and they were all about the story and really had good advice and asked questions. Just My Opinion Reviews



    Mr H. liked it and said it was good.

    I have not seen it and have no desire to see Ben Kingsley. What is he even doing there? He was a bad Mandarin in the first place. This is another petty gripe that I have, and that is, I really don’t need to see these geezer hanger-on privileged boomers like Ben Kingsley and Julia Louis-Dreyfus in everything, all the time. Let it go. You have been replaced by your own politics.


    Shang Chi Review | Marvel Phase BORE


    Shang-Chi and the Legends of the Ten Rings is everything wrong with The MCU these days. Generic Consumable Disney Product. Not the worst film ever made, but not the best they could have done with this character. Heavily reliant on modern I.D. politics marketing to make up for what is an average movie at best. Disney Marvel would have you believe this is the first Asian superhero. The Crow, among others, may have something to say about that. The professional critics would lead you to believe this is an ABSOLUTE TRIUMPH. It’s NOT. Hollow characters, a lead with zero charisma, dark and blurry CGI and the side characters doing all the heavy lifting. Additionally, this film is as M-She-U as it gets.

    Thank you to @Pierry Chan for help with this video. <— video skills!


    Mr H likes almost everything, tbh lol I stopped watching his videos because his taste is clearly very different than mine so I can’t “trust” his reviews :P
    green knight was bad, he loved it
    witcher fake vesemir movie was trash, he loved it
    candyman was garbage, he says not bad
    jungle cruise more disney garbage, he loved it
    and many many more lol …

    So for me, I rather listen to Nerdrotic opinions on movies quality.


    Shang-Chi – Good Ideas, Bad Script

    The Critical Drinker

    Ideas are great, but too many of them can sink your story if you’re not careful, and Shang-Chi falls victim to the curse of trying to do too much in one movie, losing sight of what matters most. Join me for my in-depth breakdown and review.


    Shang-Chi is a Box Office TRIUMPH – So Why Are MCU Fans So Mad?


    Shang Chi A Hit?

    Shang Chi appears to be a massive hit. A $90+ million domestic opening weekend with $56 million foreign is nothing short of amazing. Stunning even, when you factor in that a Labor Day release never does better than $40 million tops. Perhaps, startling is the proper term, when you see that all of this overnight rabid interest in the movie, must have driven the video pirates straight. Nobody is downloading this film illegally. Black Widow was the most pirated film in history but this flick, while available on the high seas, isn’t getting downloaded at all. When you add that in, Shang Chi’s performance appears to be unreal. Maybe that’s the best word for it, unreal.

    Although, I think the newspeak term for this is actually “Fortified Box Office.”

    Regardless, I need to make clear that I have no inside track at Disney and this is all speculation on my part.

    My suspicions about this film’s awesome numbers were aroused by a friend of mine who had reserved a seat in a theater that was 90% sold out online. But when he went to watch it, he was the only one in the theater. Also, he walked out but this isn’t a review.

    There are plenty of other stories like this out there.

    If true, why do this for Shang Chi? Captain Marvel was quite understandable. Marvel couldn’t afford anything short of epic box office right before Endgame. But Shang Chi?

    Perhaps a better question would be, does this hurt Bob Chapek?

    Answer: Greatly.

    Chapek had banked a big part of his fledgling reputation on this film underperforming. And now it’s a hit. All of the trade publications, who are totally against Chapek BTW, are pointing out how big this flick is. Chapek’s dismissive “data point” is now hanging around his neck.

    “Since the accountant got something like this wrong, is he the right man to lead Disney. Maybe it’s time to bring Bob Iger back?”

    Those are the remarks you are going to be seeing next week.

    Chapek looked at the numbers, and more or less said, if this is a bomb then my Disney+ plan is clearly the right way to go. It was a very safe bet since the movie was tracking terribly.

    Feige and Iger probably looked at each other and giggled. “Gee, how can we ever make this movie a hit?” And then dug out the lessons learned from Captain Marvel. If anything, the process was more efficient this time.

    You are probably wondering if the box office was indeed “fortified,” then how is Marvel getting away with it?

    Two reasons.

    One. It isn’t that expensive. Disney gets back 90% of the first week’s revenue on theatrical releases. So, most of that money goes back to the company, and the ten percent that doesn’t can be written off as promotional expenses. There is a reason these things fall off a cliff in the second week. It doesn’t really hurt Disney all that much.

    Although, this absolutely sodomizes the theater owners since the only way they make money that first week is popcorn and sodas. No audience, nobody going to the lobby to have a snack. It’s a brutal loss for them.

    Second. Because Marvel, not Disney, is in charge of marketing and promotion. Chapek really couldn’t do much to stop this, even if he had known about it. And now that he does there is nothing, he can do about it.

    Or at least he can’t do anything that won’t completely shatter Disney’s over-inflated stock price and get him fired.

    If he orders a forensic audit and makes the results public. Yes, he could prove that Shang Chi’s returns were fraudulent (assuming they were). But the golden Marvel brand takes a massive hit. And various government oversight agencies are going to be forced to crack open Disney’s books. All of the rumors about Captain Marvel’s numbers will be viewed by the public as proven fact.

    It will crash the Disney stock price

    And if the Feds look into Disney Parks, god help Chapek. He was the head of the parks when the worst of that was going on. Forget about losing his job, he could go to jail.

    He can’t even make a discreet inquiry with the Johansson lawsuit in arbitration, Chapek doesn’t dare create a paper trail about something that could come out in the discovery process, if this suit escalates back into the civil courts. Even so, Shang Chi’s opening weekend could support her case (California law permitting).

    Marvel has had a win in its battle with Bob Chapek. While Shang Chi will absolutely fall off a cliff next weekend, nobody is going to care about that.

    This round of the Disney Civil War goes to Marvel.


      So watched it last night, Went sailing with Captain Morgan and we ran in to it on the High Seas. Yes Yes Super strong female character and waaman better than any man…. I swear at points I went “did they steel that from Loki, and when is Brie going to be in it” etc etc.

      This is maybe a 4.5 out of 10, do NOT waste your money I suggest sailing with Capt Morgan and looking for an Isle of Wild Turkeys who are looked after Mr Mr. McGregor on his Proper #12 refuge.

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